Virtual Votes for Women
Based on the temporary exhibition held at the Museum of London between February 2018 and March 2019. It has biographies of key suffragettes, images of events and artefacts. These include coverage of hunger strikes and militant activity and struggle. An 11 minute film sets the context and explain more. There are also links to other guides about […]
Black & Gay, Back in the Day
Black & Gay, Back in the Day is an LGBT Plus photographic archive made available via Instagram. It is maintained by Marc Thompson Director and Jason Okundaye and offers a great range of images from Britain since the 1950s.
Mozambique Conflict Observatory
Mozambique Conflict Observatory- Cabo Ligado — or ‘connected cape’. A new website from ACLED in association with Zitamar News and Mediafax which aims to monitor levels and trends of political violence in Mozambique and to provide weekly updates of data and visualisations. There is a dashboard with mapping and descriptions of events.
Results UN
A new website from The Office of Programme Planning and Finance Budget (OPPFB) and the Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) of the United Nations. It aims to increase budget accountability by mapping and giving data on budget expenditure and programme outcomes.
Which are the most influential think tanks?
Compiled by the Think Tanks And Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania, this annual report ranks influence and looks at total numbers and regional and subject coverage. A full methodology is provided.
Free speech at UK universities
Read the government paper that was released this week and responses from: Office of the Independent Adjudicator WonkHE Universities UK NUS UCU Russell Group
Closing the attainment gap
The Higher Education Policy Institute has been looking at the effect of the Covid pandemic on the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. Read about it in the blog post by Gwen Morris.
Social Mobility Review
The Social Mobility Commission has published its Review of 2020. It includes the impact of the Covid pandemic on social mobility and discusses the embedding of social mobility policy into HR. This includes a sector-specific toolkit for professional and financial services that will help the industry to recruit and retain employees from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Which jobs are at risk from AI automation?
A report from Nesta, Mapping Career Causeways: Supporting workers at risk, looks at jobs at risk from AI and how workers can transition to similar posts which are less precarious. NESTA has also made available, on the open source codes for mapping which jobs are most at risk from AI so that researchers can investigate topics […]
Disabled Students Commission annual report
Information on issues faced by British disabled students during the pandemic; information on the support received and the challenges ahead.
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