Bosses’ high pay
FTSE 100 bosses earnt more money in the first 3 days than an average worker in a year. Get the facts on how this was calculated from the High Pay Centre .The website has a useful database on CEO pay in UK.
FTSE 100 CEO pay
FTSE CEO pay rising rapidly. The High Pay Centre has released its latest data on FTSE 100 executive pay. Consult their website to get facts on pay inequality in the UK
Hub for equal representations
Created by a team of leading Economics researchers based at the London School of Economics, The Hub focuses on presenting research to find finding effective ways to improve representation of women and minorities at work. Topics covered include gender differences in pay, gender quotas and childcare with free access to recent examples of research.
CEOs and the average annual wage
CEOs have already earnt more than the annual wage for a full time worker Released this week research by the High Pay Centre, research suggests the median FTSE 100 CEO’s earnings for 2022 surpassed the median annual wage for a full-time worker in the UK by around 09:00am on Friday 7 January. Explore the website to […]
Subject choice leads to gender pay gap?
Gender differences in subject choice leads to gender pay gap immediately after graduation. Data rich publication from IFS which explores differences in pay between male and female graduates and attempts to map them to the subjects studied at university.
Where do women earn equal pay?
Cross country comparison of gender pay gap reporting in six nations. From Kings College London Global Institute for Women’s Leadership. It argues that UK legislation monitors but does not rectify the situation. See the recommendations by downloading the full report.
Gender pay gap reporting around the world
How does the UK’s pay gap compare with other countries? Get some insight from the latest Fawcett society report which compares 10 nations. including Australia, Finland, Japan and Austria. Topics covered include thresholds, legal policies and compliance. Fawcett joined forces with the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s College London, and was supported by research […]
What are the financial returns from a postgraduate degree?
This IFS report looks at which degrees bring the most financial rewards and considers the impact of the family background. One result- compared with otherwise-similar individuals who don’t go beyond undergraduate level, by age 35 women with a masters degree earn 2% more and men 2% less.
Does going to college pay?
Update from IFS on the impact of college graduation on earnings in the UK. They make the point that while on average they are better off over a life time they “estimate that one in five students – or about 70,000 every year – would actually have been better off financially had they not gone […]
Has the Gender pay gap worsened?
Though things are slowly improving at the University of Leicester, the media has reported that gap in wages between men and women is widening. An urgent question was asked in parliament last week about the deadline for companies to report on the topic. (it was 4th was in April 2019). The EHRC has data from the first […]
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