Online US government information and news disappearing: Pew Internet Project
Disappearing content from online websites The latest report from the Pew internet project focuses on broken links from US government and news agencies. It found a quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 were no longer accessible (October 2023). Large percentages of tweets had also been removed from live […]
We are Lady Parts
BoB playlist of Channel 4’s comedy about a Muslim female punk band. Shows Islam with all its nuance and humanity. Contains very strong language.
Influencer culture in the Digital Age
Influencer culture in the Digital Age is an educational toolkit developed by Dr Robyn Muir and Dr Emily Setty, researchers at the University of Surrey, to help young women, educators and parents to explore in a healthy way influencer culture and its impact on young lives. It includes accounts by young people.
Digital Terrorism and Hate Report
The Simon Wiesenthal Center has released its 2022 annual Digital Terrorism and Hate Report It includes coverage of homophobia and transphobia and fake news dissemination. It grades major players such as Twitter, Facebook, Google and major gaming platforms on how well they attempt to eliminate anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia, and bullying.
Human Rights: TikTok
The United Nations has launched a Human Rights TikTok account:
Social media in peace mediation: a practical framework
A new paper by UN DPPA Mediation Support Unit and Swiss Peace which explores the role of social media in armed conflict. It includes practical examples of how it can be used for communication on how to prevent, manage and resolve conflict.
Are 15-year-olds prepared to deal with fake news and misinformation?
A report launched by the OECD this week Data based on the cross-national PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) surveys. Are students taught reading strategies for assessing the credibility of sources? Is socio-economic status significant?
The impact of online misinformation on U.S. COVID-19 vaccinations
Paper from arxiv with the following findings: consistently, negative opinions toward vaccines are correlated with misinformation. These results suggest that addressing online misinformation must be a key component of interventions aimed to maximize the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns.
The IPPO Living Map: a searchable database of evidence on the social impacts of COVID-19
Just launched, a searchable international database of systematic reviews of research about the social impacts of COVID-19. which is being updated monthly by The International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO), a UK academic collaboration which aims assess evidence from around the world to inform UK policymakers. The scope of the Living Map will be social sciences research evidence on COVID-19, including (but […]
Global Social Responses to Covid-19 Web Archive
The Ivy Plus web archive is creating a record of the evolution of Covid-19’s social impact since March 2020 by preserving snapshots of key websites from areas of the global south these include: Sites published by NGOs that focus on public health, humanitarian relief, education, etc. Sites published by artists. local regional language news sources. Blogs and […]
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