Protests Against Racism Web Archive
The Protests Against Racism Web Archive is new from the Library of Congress. It focuses on preserving websites created in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. Snapshots of sites were preserved from June 29th – August 7th, 2020 with later web captures made for some of the sites during 2020, […]
BLM memorial fence
The Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence Artifact Collection Note: this resource contains strong language and references to brutality and violence.An open-access digital collection created by T DC Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library, The Library of Congress, and Howard University. It is preserving images, posters, banners, clothing, photographs, and ephemeral objects which were hung on a […]
Digital Terrorism and Hate Report
The Simon Wiesenthal Center has released its 2022 annual Digital Terrorism and Hate Report It includes coverage of homophobia and transphobia and fake news dissemination. It grades major players such as Twitter, Facebook, Google and major gaming platforms on how well they attempt to eliminate anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia, and bullying.
Talking About Race
New from Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture a site which is designed to provide free access to tools and resources to help teachers, parents/individuals talk about race and racial prejudice in society. These include videos and written resources. Topics covered include the historical origins of discrimination, whiteness and privilege, bias and how to […]
Windrush review : lessons learned
In the introduction to this independent review of Windrush generation treatment by the UK Home office and other officials the author, Wendy Williams, states: “While I am unable to make a definitive finding of institutional racism within the department, I have serious concerns that these failings demonstrate an institutional ignorance and thoughtlessness towards the issue of race […]
Hope Not Hate: the State of Hate in 2019
Annual report from the group which monitors online hate, islamophobia, homophobia and the state of the far right in Britain today.
Black History Month
BFI has released recently some documentaries free via BFI Player which reveal why it is necessary to fight for BME rights. This punk-infused 1978 documentary by the Newsreel Collective invited young working class Londoners to discuss their experiences of racism. First and second generation Black and Asian immigrants, as well as ex-National Front members, paint […]
Online harassment: US
A recent Pew report on the American population has also found that the genders and different sectors of the population have different conceptions of what constitutes online harassment.
Race hate crime increasing
The Community Security Trust is a charity that acts to support the Jewish community by campaigning against racism . It collects regular data on anti-semitism. In its latest report covering January-June 2016 it recorded a 11% increase from the same period in 2015 with 557 recorded, 24% of which occurred on social media. It traces […]
Racism in British Universities
The UCU union has just released a survey of its BME members in which shockingly 90% of those who answered reported that they had faced barriers to promotion and over 70% reported sometimes or often being subject to bullying or harassment by their managers. The Runnymede trust has just published a collection of essays on […]
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