Officially launched at a recent University of London event, this portal is supported by a group of leading organisations in the field of languages, skills and education: It aims to provide links to high quality learning resources for all age groups and levels in major languages. These include classical languages as well as modern languages […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Harriman recollected: 1899 voyage to Alaska digital collection
A new digital collection from Penn State University. The Harriman Alaska Expedition of 1899 was a scientific expedition along the coast of Alaska undertaken by famous North American naturalists. The library has transcribed the diaries of the Chaplain Nelson’s diary and researched the geographic and tribal origins of indigenous art works which they acquired, reinterpreting […]
Trade Policy Hub
The Trade Policy Hub offers free access to papers and research on core trade and investment policy issues, including public procurement, intellectual property rights, trade and sustainable development, digital trade, digital policies, industrial policy, and economic security. Includes surveys of the impact of Brexit on UK trade.
Women and art in London
A project undertaken by Jeremy Smith and Charlotte Hopkins at The London Archives has revealed new information on women artists and publishers in practising in London during 1600s – 1800s. Some fascinating biographies and images are included.
People of 1381
An academic source (led by Professor Adrian Bell from Henley Business School at the University of Reading) providing commentary on the Peasants’ Revolt. You can search and browse by people and place.
Works of Christine de Pizan
“As one of the first and most prolific women of letters [Christine de Pizan] is often viewed as one of the pivotal writers of late medieval Europe. Her works reflect on important and varied socio-political, theological, cultural, feminist, and educational issues of her time. She wrote poetry, was commissioned to write the king’s biography and penned a […]
No Other Land
The Oscar winning documentary No Other Land, about life under occupation in the West Bank, airs on Channel 4 at 23.15 on March 4th 2025. UoL members will be able to watch it on Box of Broadcasts shortly after, or you can stream it on All 4 now.
Wiener Digital Collections
The Weiner Holocaust Library in London has expanded its online materials. The website allows readers around the world to access digital copies of many of the Library’s most important collections; these include the Jewish Central Information Office’s reports on the growth of antisemitism in Europe in the 1930s, as well as documents donated to the library […]
China Studies
A new website for China Studies. Recently launched by The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and still under development, the Digital Archives Mapping Project offers a free guide to open databases for China Studies research. They include rare books, photographs and Chinese language resources.
End of Term web archive
The End of Term Web Archive is a project which saves U.S. Government websites at the end of presidential administrations. Currently available are resources from 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 and it is now archiving the end of 2024 term websites.
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