Political violence, protest and COVID-19
ACLED (The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project) has now released all political violence and protest data for 2021. You can now access an annual update covering more than 266,000 events around the world. It includes extensive coverage of the impact of COVID on violent uprising and state repression across the world. Register for […]
Socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on women
Women and girls left behind: Glaring gaps in pandemic responses This publication contains and analyses the outcomes of Rapid Gender Assessment surveys (RGAs) on the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in 45 countries, produced by UN Women in partnership with national statistical offices, governmental entities, international partners, or private sector. The report confirmed uneven pandemic impacts […]
Dragged down by debt: Joseph Rowntree foundation This new research highlights that low-income households, who have borne the financial brunt of the pandemic so far, are also being dragged down by debt as we look to our economic recovery.
Impact of pandemic on future earnings
Education recovery and resilience in England: Phase two report Education policy Institute Based on EPI analysis commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE), the new report models the long-run impact of the pandemic on future earnings, finding that pupils are each likely lose at least £16,000 in earnings, rising to £46,000 in a worst-case scenario […]
Visualizing the Virus
An international digital project led by Dr Sria Chatterjee and made possible by a grant from DARIAH EU and support from the Institute of Experimental Design and Media, FHNW. Princeton Center for Digital Humanities is a project partner. It is interdisciplinary and seeks to curate visualisations which spotlight on inequality. Topics include: how Covid policies effect […]
The Fake News Wave: Academic Libraries’ Battle Against Misinformation During COVID-19
Bangani, S. (2021) ‘The Fake News Wave: Academic Libraries’ Battle Against Misinformation During COVID-19′, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(5). From Stellenbosch University Library & Information Service, South Africa, this inspiring example considers the extent of fake news and misinformation in African contexts and the ways libraries have been helping to combat it.
UNCTAD COVID-19 Response Portal
United Nations Conference on trade and development has launched a new portal with data on the impact of Covid-19 on manufacturing, trade and foreign direct investment. It has 25 indicators. Including vaccine role out, stock market prices, exports, levels of debt, investment and trade.
Impact of COVID on elections
Briefing on how coronavirus has affected UK elections, from the House of Commons Library
The impact of online misinformation on U.S. COVID-19 vaccinations
Paper from arxiv with the following findings: consistently, negative opinions toward vaccines are correlated with misinformation. These results suggest that addressing online misinformation must be a key component of interventions aimed to maximize the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns.
The IPPO Living Map: a searchable database of evidence on the social impacts of COVID-19
Just launched, a searchable international database of systematic reviews of research about the social impacts of COVID-19. which is being updated monthly by The International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO), a UK academic collaboration which aims assess evidence from around the world to inform UK policymakers. The scope of the Living Map will be social sciences research evidence on COVID-19, including (but […]
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