Benjamin Zephaniah
Sadly, Benjamin Zephaniah has passed away at the age of 65. We have many of his books in the library collection. Why not read one in his memory?
Bibliothèque numérique caraibe amazonie plateau des guyanes is a digital library of sources covering Amazonia and the Caribbean maintained by the University of the West Indies and the university of Guyana. It has books, prints, maps and documents of the history and culture of the region including slavery. Some items are offered in French only.
UK Archives: Empire Windrush resources
To mark the 75th anniversary of the ship bringing Caribbean migrants to the UK the UK archives has released a 7-minute film about their ‘Windrush’ resources.There are also teaching resources based on primary source documents aimed at school-age students.
Caribbean Takeaway Takeover
Caribbean Takeaway Takeover: Identities and Stories Oral histories of ten Caribbean elders from the Windrush generation, who arrived in the UK between the 1940s-1960s, have been recorded and shared on this website which offers insight into their experiences, identity and history.
Digital Library of the Caribbean
Digital Library of the Caribbean: – “a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean.” An extensive collection of primary source material contributed by a range of partner institutions. Topics covered include Economics, Politics, Race, Class, Gender, Religion, Language, Literature, Slavery and resistance and Culture.
Windrush Passengers 1948 Arrival List
Digitised by Goldsmiths University of London new transcription of the Windrush passenger list the original of which is held at The National Archives. It has links to PDF versions of landing cards, names, date of births occupations and proposed address. The National Archives has some original government letters about the arrival of the ship in […]
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