Vogue Digital Archive
In collaboration with Google Arts & Culture the Vogue Digital Archive will contain over 15,000 images from 30 years of Vogue. It includes photos, image covers and searchable online exhibitions covering brands, types of fashion and some articles. Note it is not a full text article archive of the magazine.
Liberating history testimonials
This website was created by the Liberating Histories research team which is supported by Northumbria University, Arts and Humanities Research Council, The LSE Women’s Library & Western University Canada. It documents the history, nature and importance of magazines to the women’s liberation movement and feminism from 1960s/80s. The site also includes magazine guides, oral histories and […]
‘Dear Jackie’ doctor letters
A digital collection from Glasgow Women’s library with some images and full text. The letters sent by teenage girls to the 1980s teen magazine health problem page. The collection offers insight into girls health and popular culture at the time. The replies are also provided.
Liberating History Podcasts
A series of 60 minute podcasts created by the Liberating Histories research team which is supported by Northumbria University, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, The LSE Women’s Library and Western University Canada.They document the history, nature and importance of magazines to the women’s liberation movement and feminism from 1960s – 1980s. The site also […]
People Behind the Headlines: Humanitarian Society
The UoL Humanitarian Society has won 2 awards for its monthly newsletter, People Behind the Headlines. The society’s aims are “to make a difference in the world by promoting human welfare, educating others about global issues, and supporting disadvantaged students at the University of Leicester” and their newsletter includes opinion pieces, photojournalism and interviews with […]
Zines about Palestine
Zine Co-op collective have created an online collection of printable Palestine-related zines to print. You can download here.
Liberating Histories: now has periodicals guide
Liberating histories website expands with periodicals guide. This site highlights feminist magazine titles written by and for women during 1970s-1990s. The project is led by Dr Victoria Bazin (Principal Investigator), Dr Melanie Waters (Co-Investigator), Professor Kaitlynn Mendes (Co-Investigator) and Dr Eleanor Careless (Postdoctoral Research Fellow), in partnership with Women’s Library@LSE.It now has a a feminist […]
Chinese Women’s Magazines of the Qing and Early Republican Period
Chinese Women’s Magazines of the Qing and Early Republican Period A collaborative project funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the German Humboldt Foundation. exploring Chinese periodical publishing focuses on four key magazines published between 1904 and 1937. They include: Each entry has bibliographic and contextual information as well as […]
AWA Magazine online archive
Free access to an online archive of the full run of one of the earliest independent African women’s magazines: AWA: la revue de la femme noire.1964-1973. It has amazing photos of fashion, guidance on health and careers. All materials are in French. This article discusses its importance.
History Workshop revamped website
History Workshop is a digital magazine of radical history. It has recently revamped its website. It provides free access to online image of radical digital images. It also provides access to short informative podcasts (currently featuring Corinne Fowler from the School of Museum Studies) discussing radical history topics. Some articles are available online free.
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