TUC online archives
The TUC library has added to its online offering researchers may be interested to know it has digitised its annotated card catalogue which is crucial for understanding British trade union history. This adds to their pre-existing online collections The Union Makes Us Strong An introduction to the history of the TUC and the trade union movement, including […]
High Streets Recovery Tracker
High Streets Recovery Tracker Launched by the Centre for Cities to provide economic data on the recovery from the lock-down of Britain’s largest cities and towns. It compares average footfall and enables cross-city comparisons. There are also worker number comparisons. The methodology is provided on the website.
Feminist Struggles in the Academy in the UK and India
A new comic book based on a wider research project funded by the University Grants Commission and the UK-India Educational Research Initiative and led by Radhika Govinda and Krishna Menon. It considers feminisms in the academy, focusing upon questions of identity, pedagogy and violence. A key issue is: How has feminism become institutionalised in the academy, […]
Discrimination against BAME H.E. staff
Shocking results from the Access & Participation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicities in UK Postgraduate Research – Policy Briefing UK CGE The proportion of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students enrolled in UK H.E. in 2018/19 dropped from 24.81% at undergraduate level to 18.07% at postgraduate research level (excluding enrolments where ethnicity is unknown). Between 2016/17 […]
African Regional Integration Index
The second edition has recently been released in a collaboration between The African Union Commission, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the African Development Bank. ARII uses sixteen indicators, grouped into five dimensions, to measure how well each country and region in Africa is integrated with its neighbours. The indicators are grouped into 5 areas: Trade […]
Regional imbalances in research and development investment – NESTA
The latest report from Nesta, a foundation which focuses on innovation. Charts differences in R&D investment in different regions of the UK, It has an online data visualisation which examines this and makes suggestions for future development.
Covid-19 and Labour statistics
Worldwide portal launched by ILO It is considering employment and unemployment. Mention is also made on the impact and ability of national suppliers to collect statistics.
Social data during the COVID-19 pandemic
Useful crowd sources Google Docs being coordinated by Ben Geiger University of Kent and the National Centre for Social Methods. It lists sources of existing government surveys on subjects including employment, income, poverty & deprivation, loneliness & mental health as well as new COVID-19 polls, qualitative research, and priority topics for future research.
Academic Freedom Index launched
The Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) is an independent non-profit think tank based in Berlin. It has just launched the Academic Freedom Index in close cooperation with FAU University Erlangen-Nuremberg, V‑Dem and the Scholars at Risk Network. Its website has a methodology, case studies and data. There is a full report and a working paper which look […]
Coronavirus: Feminist viewpoints
LSE Women Peace and Security blog posting Fawcett society and other women’s organisations call to make women visible at this time
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