English Social Mobility Index 2024
The annual Index is published by the Higher Education Policy Institute and compiled by London South Bank University. It measures the social mobility of graduates from individual universities. This year the top places go to: University of Bradford Aston University University of Wolverhampton Methodology based on access continuation and outcomes is provided.
State of the Nation (UK) 2023
State of the Nation 2023: People and Places The latest annual social mobility index includes a written report and data explorer. It measures social mobility across 5 key dimensions (occupation, income, education, housing and wealth) and by outcomes measured at different stages throughout life. There are breakdowns by gender and ethnicity. The website provides information […]
Social mobility: the next generation
First of a series of reports by the Sutton Trust on social mobility. This first report looks at secondary school students and is called Lost Potential at 16.
Impact of pandemic on future earnings
Education recovery and resilience in England: Phase two report Education policy Institute Based on EPI analysis commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE), the new report models the long-run impact of the pandemic on future earnings, finding that pupils are each likely lose at least £16,000 in earnings, rising to £46,000 in a worst-case scenario […]
Social Mobility Barometer, 2021
The latest annual report from the UK Social Mobility Commission is a poll of what the public think about equality and social mobility. This year it includes what people think about the impact of the pandemic on the chances of social mobility. Over half the public (56%) think the pandemic has increased social inequality. Only one in […]
Social Mobility Review
The Social Mobility Commission has published its Review of 2020. It includes the impact of the Covid pandemic on social mobility and discusses the embedding of social mobility policy into HR. This includes a sector-specific toolkit for professional and financial services that will help the industry to recruit and retain employees from disadvantaged backgrounds.
RISE – Research Institute for Social Mobility and Education
This week saw the launch of RISE a new think tank, part funded by the University of Bolton which will conduct research into areas of education and social mobility policy focussing primarily in the North around the Bolton region. It will have particular value in looking at the extent of and how to correct regional imbalances in the […]
IFS launch UK inequality review
Announced recently by IFS, funded by the Nuffield Foundation and chaired by Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Angus Deaton. It aims to examine opportunity as well as wealth and social mobility. Also released this week on the topic of social mobility and education: A NEON report showing white working class students have less access to top UK universities. Get the full […]
Inequality in the UK
Is London the most socially mobile place in the UK? See the latest report from the Social Mobility Commission. This has a geographical mapping of places where social mobility is high or low according to 16 indicators. The BBC has a developed a tool for its website where you can view local authority rankings by […]
A’ level results, HE and social mobility
How do this year’s A’ level results compare? For official statistics see the Department of Education official data.from 2003 onwards. It includes exam results and performance tables. For data on application and acceptance rates at UK universities try the UCAS data sites. It also includes some reports on factors associated with predicted and achieved […]
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