Population growth
Population Council develop new tool for assessing factors driving future population growth in a country. The decomposition service from Devinfo calculates the contributions of different demographic factors (wanted and un-wanted fertility, mortality, migration, and age structure) to population growth. It is based on the medium variant population projection of the United Nations from 2010 to […]
Bloomberg: geographical distribution of revenue
Analysing a company’s revenue geographic breakdown is interesting angle to predict future strategic development. Find case studies using the function FFM on your Bloomberg terminals.
Mobile trends
comScore has released its latest Mobile Future in Focus report for the US http://www.comscore.com/Insights/Presentations_and_Whitepapers/2013/2013_Mobile_Future_in_Focus Quick summary of the contents available: http://www.infotodayeurope.com/2013/03/04/mobile-trends-2012-2013/
WIPO’s Global Brand Database expands http://www.wipo.int/branddb/en/ Now includes the entire United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) collection. Other additions Algeria, Australia, Canada, Egypt, Estonia, Morocco, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and the United States. Find information on WIPO’s own data collections of international trademarks registered under the Madrid System; as well as appellations of origin […]
Who uses social media?
The latest Pew report (covering the USA) provides a snapshot of the social democgraphics of Internet users by categories such as age, race, gender and income: http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2013/Social-media-users.aspx For similar accounts relating to the UK try the Oxford Internet Surveys: http://microsites.oii.ox.ac.uk/oxis/databases For another good starting point for free data, often with a focus on consumer usage […]
Mapping digital Nigeria
http://www.soros.org/reports/mapping-digital-media-nigeria A 96-page report from the Soros Foundation. This useful country report covers law, internet technology, consumption, impact on journalism and business This is the latest in a series of country reports http://www.soros.org/search?key=mapping%20digital%20media which the foundation has produced. Over 20 other titles covering nations worldwide have also been produced and can be downloaded from the […]
World Cities Culture Report 2012
http://www.worldcitiesculturereport.com/ Produced by the Mayor of London; the biggest international survey of its kind. It has collected an unprecedented amount of data on the scope and impact of the cultural assets and activities that are produced and consumed in 12 major cities: Berlin, Istanbul, Johannesburg, London, Mumbai, New York, Paris, São Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney […]
Advertising expenditure
BRAD Insight at http://www.bradtop100.co.uk/02-finance/ shows the 100 UK companies who spent the most on advertising in 2011.
ROAD 2.0
Resource of Outdoor Advertising Descriptions http://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/outdoor_advertising/ Site maintained by Duke University. Free access to over 30,000 images of outdoor advertising and related topics. It is possible to search by company, product, place and date. They include iconic images for coca cola, Kellogg’s and cigarette brands. Also useful for those interested in the history of advertising […]
Journal of Cultural Economy
We now have access to the Journal of Cultural Economy from 2008 onwards. Find it on Leicester Elink. The journal contains useful articles on marketing and advertising, consumption and fashion.
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