Socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on women
Women and girls left behind: Glaring gaps in pandemic responses This publication contains and analyses the outcomes of Rapid Gender Assessment surveys (RGAs) on the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in 45 countries, produced by UN Women in partnership with national statistical offices, governmental entities, international partners, or private sector. The report confirmed uneven pandemic impacts […]
Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2021
Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2021: Unmasking disparities by ethnicity, caste and gender.Co-authored by OPHI and the United Nations Development Programme, this annual report provides estimates on multidimensional poverty for 109 developing countries (with data from surveys ranging 2009–2019/2020).It also presents multidimensional poverty estimates disaggregated by ethnicity and caste for 41 countries and considers the relationship […]
Digital Library of the Caribbean
Digital Library of the Caribbean: – “a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean.” An extensive collection of primary source material contributed by a range of partner institutions. Topics covered include Economics, Politics, Race, Class, Gender, Religion, Language, Literature, Slavery and resistance and Culture.
Career trajectories in UK departments of Politics and International Relations
A report for the British International Studies Association and the Political Studies Association covering UK academic careers in Higher education. The report covers 2012-2019 and reveals that men and white members of staff are over-represented at senior levels compared to their proportion in the academic workforce more generally. 29% of senior academics (senior lecturers, readers, professors) […]
Middle East Women’s Activism collection
A digital collection from SOAS. It comprises Middle East Women’s Activism digital archive, a collection of interviews with 96 women of different generations in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, which form the basis of a monograph, entitled, Embodying Geopolitics: Generations of Women’s Activism in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. All interviews were conducted by Nicola Pratt, University of Warwick, in […]
Gender, race and money in politics database
The Center for Responsive Politics has just released a new database which enables researchers to explore the interaction between gender and race in US campaign funding. Typical questions it hopes to answer include: Do a candidate’s race and gender affect the challenges of fundraising? How do the sources and amounts of funding differ by gender and […]
A quarter of FTSE 350 companies have only one woman on their board
…according to the 2018 report of the Hampton-Alexander review into increasing the number of women in senior positions in FTSE 350 companies. Progress has been made but still a lot remains to be done to achieve the target. Also released this week Inclusive Tech report which revealed women make up just 12.6% of board members and 16.6% of senior […]
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum project
SOGICA is a research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) that explores the social and legal experiences of asylum seekers across Europe claiming international protection on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI). Focusing on Germany, Italy and the UK as case studies, and analysing how SOGI related claims are […]
‘Closing the Gender Pay gap would take 95 years’
Across OECD nations at current rates of progress according to the latest PWC Women in work report. It estimates that closing the gap could increase total female earnings by US$2 trillion. The report reviews progress made and ranks OECD nations. The UK is currently listed as 13th in 2015. At the top of the ranking are Iceland, […]
How diverse are UK journalists?
Find out by reading the results of a survey of 7,000 released this week by Reuters Institute. It is based on a survey of 700 journalists conducted in December 2015. While 45% were women they are less well-paid than men and occupy fewer management positions. The report also found this to be true of Black […]
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