A recent Pew report on the American population has also found that the genders and different sectors of the population have different conceptions of what constitutes online harassment.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Gender pay gap at the BBC
https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/jan/08/carrie-gracie-letter-in-full The BBC’s China editor resigned this week over pay inequality. Her open letter to licence payers can be viewed via The Guardian.
Preparing for Brexit: London
New independent economic analysis commissioned by the Mayor of London. Looks at the impact on London and the rest of the UK of 5 possible Brexit scenarios.
Half-time in the Brexit negotiations: Scotland’s viewpoint
Half-Time in the Brexit Negotiations: The Voters’ Scorecard” is the result of a public opinion survey in Scotland. What do they think of the stage of negotiations and the future at this point? 2200 people took part in the survey, carried out just after the election in July, and in October when negotiations were underway. […]
International students benefit the economy
The ‘gross benefits are, on average, £87,000 for each EU student and £102,000 for each non-EU student according to the latest research published this week by The Higher Education Policy Institute and Kaplan. Download the full text from the website to find out more. Also published this week by the Higher Education Policy Institute What […]
Asian Development Bank launch Public-Private Partnership Monitor
The Public-Private Partnership Monitor was launched at the end of 2017 by the Asian Development Bank. This new publication monitors developments in 9 nations of the ADB: Bangladesh, the People’s Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. It examines four main areas of interest: Regulatory Framework, Institutional Capacity […]
Fat Cat Thursday (4th January)
In just three working days, the UK’s top bosses made more money than the typical UK full-time worker will earn in the entire year. This is according to calculations from independent think tank The High Pay Centre and the CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development. The website has a great pay calculator. See […]
Fake news and journalism standards
The LSE has launched a Truth, Trust and Technology (T3) Commission. This new research group will be investigating issues around truth and trust online this covers the topical issue of fake news as well as journalism standards, online regulation, media literacy. It is led by Professor Charlie Beckett and overseen by a group of Commissioners, […]
Creative memory of the Syrian revolution
The Creative Memory of the Syrian Revolution provides free access to over 23,000 documents available in Arabic, French and English relating to Syrian civil society resistance and community organising. These include banners, calligraphy, caricature, film and poetry expressing the words of Syrians. It has sponsorship from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation, the Swiss and Norwegian embassies, and the […]
Visualising Palestine
This award winning site was originally launched in 2012. Its aim is to create data visualization tools to advance a factual, rights-based understanding of the Palestinian-Israeli issue. It uses sources from leading human rights and international agencies. There are a number of infographics relating to the status of Palestinians in Jerusalem. Each has a description […]
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