Stonewall has just released its ranking of the best places to work. View the full list and methodology via the website.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
LGBT+ History month
February is LGBT+ History month. Here is a list of some of the many LGBT-related resources in the library
What happens when gender quotas are introduced for academic hiring committees?
Interesting working paper covering the situation in France which found that after gender quota in academic hiring committees were imposed in France in 2015 there was a negative impact on women. As the author states ‘the reform significantly worsened both the probability of being hired and the ranks of women, with a treatment effect equivalent […]
The Zuckerberg Files
Not new but recently upgraded, time to revisit The Zuckerberg Files maintained by UW-Milwaukee Center for Information Policy Research. It provides free access to over 900 statements, transcripts of speeches and videos from Facebook’s founder covering the period 2004-2018. Free registration required. Includes materials on Russian elections and privacy.
Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2018
Just released from the United Nations development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), the latest edition of this index with an online data bank. It covers 105 nations and measures overlapping deprivations at the household level across the living standards, health and education. It shows the incidence of poor people […]
1.1 million abusive tweets sent to women in 2017
…according to large-scale research undertaken by Amnesty International and Element AI, a global artificial intelligence software product company. They surveyed millions of tweets mentioning 778 journalists and politicians from the UK and US during 2017. Women of colour were more than 34% likely to receive abuse than white women. The research also looks at the […]
Ban Ki-moon’s Archives
The archives of former Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have been made available online via the website of the United Nations Archives and Records Management Section. Unlike the official documents of the United Nations, which are available through the Organization’s archives, these collections are comprised of internal working papers which offer insight into decision making processes. Typically, […]
New resources on women’s suffrage
A new teaching resource Endell Street – Women’s Military Hospital Project, focuses on the changing role of women from the 1900s to 1920, with a particular emphasis on women’s contribution to medical professions during World War One. It focuses on primary sources from the Women’s Library. More information on the Women’s Military Hospital is available […]
Social Institutions and Gender Index 2019 launched
Pioneered by the OECD in 2009, this index has been updated for 2019 It covers 180 nations providing profiles and cross-country rankings classifying countries according to their level of discrimination in social institutions. Key themes are: family (child marriage/ divorce/ inheritance) physical integrity (violence/ reproductive rights/ Female genital mutilation) financial resources (access to land/ financial […]
An economic modelling tool designed by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) for understanding the effects of climate change on the economy. Users can simulate trajectories of climate change and their relationship to the economy building visualisations of impact on world maps. For instance suggest a carbon price to prevent high temperature anomaly and to […]
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