Institute of Historical Research and Runnymede Trust have launched a new crowdsourced guide listing of resources suitable for diversifying and making more representative history lessons. It includes a range of resources – websites, books and digitised primary sources suitable for university classes as well as a range of materials for all age groups of school teaching.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
The GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index
How good is the representation of LGBTQ characters in major Hollywood films? Find out in the latest annual report from GLAAD which maps eight major motion picture studios during the 2019 calendar year. GLAAD researched films released by Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures, STX Films, United Artists Releasing, Universal Pictures, Walt Disney Studios and Warner Bros., as well as films released by […]
Posters from the Irish Civil Rights movement
A new online exhibition from the Working Class Movement Library It includes images from 1969 posters made in Belfast and by London Poster Workshop. Background context is provided by a recording of an event which took place on 26 May 2020: find it at
TUC online archives
The TUC library has added to its online offering researchers may be interested to know it has digitised its annotated card catalogue which is crucial for understanding British trade union history. This adds to their pre-existing online collections The Union Makes Us Strong An introduction to the history of the TUC and the trade union movement, including […]
The #MeToo Asia Thinking Aloud Series
Available via Youtube This series explores the way that #MeToo Movement was translated and transformed in China, India, Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It is curated by Dr Monika Winarnita of Deakin University and associated with The Asian Media and Cultural Studies Network, an initiative of Deakin University with partners from Tsinghua and Wuhan Universities […]
Perceptions of Islam on UK University Campuses
Islam and Muslims on UK University Campuses: perceptions and challenges, is the latest report from an AHRC project conducted at SOAS. It finds that the UK government’s counter-terrorism strategy, Prevent, has “reinforced negative stereotypes of Muslims and has encouraged a culture of mutual suspicion and surveillance on university campuses”. Morevover a minority remain ambivalent about Islam as a […]
Population statistics
July 11th is World Population Day United Nations Population Division produces regular demographic estimates and population projects for countries worldwide. Its website provides free access to reports and data including world fertility, mortality and World Population Reports. See also the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF). UN Demographic Yearbook Free access to all editions from 1948 onwards. Covers population size, births, […]
Time and Tide: Connections and Legacies
A resource created to commemorate the centenary of this key magazine which is crucial for understanding the development of feminism and women’s rights in the UK. It is directed by Catherine Clay Associate Professor in Feminist and Literary Studies at Nottingham Trent University. Time and Tide was launched in May 1920 and was unique in being […]
US Crisis Monitor
US Crisis Monitor The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) and The Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI) at Princeton University have launched a joint project that provides the public with real-time data and analysis on political violence and demonstrations in the United States. It includes data on violence associated with Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
The Taliban Sources Project
The Taliban Sources Project (TSP) is one of few Taliban documentation projects in existence and includes the cultural, social, and legal output for the years 1979-2011. It was launched online in 2020 by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in cooperation with the University of Oslo. It was developed from a private collection compiled between 2006 and […]
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