US newspaper front pages from events of historical and educational significance, from 9/11 to the Women’s March and School Walkout to firsts in politics.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Presidential inaugurations
US senate has a list of dates off all ceremonies. Many examples have links to digitised images of official photographs or paintings plus ephemera such as tickets. U.S. Presidential Inaugurations: “I Do Solemnly Swear…”A Resource GuideFrom the Library of Congress: This Web guide includes diaries and letters written by presidents and those who witnessed the […]
Digital Verification Corps
The Digital Verification Corps is a network of volunteers from 6 universities worldwide trained to verify social media videos and photos of potential human rights violations. The website includes a report documenting police violence during the American Black Lives Matters protests.
Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project
ACLED has now expanded real-time coverage to all of Europe, extending the dataset to 37 new countries and territories. These data add more than 28,000 political violence and demonstration events. They include coverage of the of Covid-related acts of violence, such as violence targeting healthcare workers, mob attacks on individuals with alleged links to the coronavirus and demonstrations […]
Library of Congress digitises more early Presidential Papers
Recently added are: Papers of President Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) Papers of President William Howard Taft (1857-1930) Papers of President Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) Papers of President Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) All collections include letters, diaries, manuscripts. Links to the individual collections (including all those already digitised) can be viewed here .
African American Members of the U.S.Congress, 1870-2020
The latest Congressional research service report now has updated data. It incudes total numbers, data on each congress and party affiliations. There are also essays giving overviews of trends in representations and biographies of all members.
High Pay
On 6th January the High Pay Centre declared that the median FTSE 100 CEO’s earnings for 2021 had surpassed the median annual wage for a full-time worker in the UK. Pay for top CEOs in 2020 (full data for the impact of the pandemic not yet available) is about 120 times that of the typical UK […]
Pandemic Through the Lens of Google Searches
Evolution of the Pandemic Through the Lens of Google SearchesNew data from the World Bank. It is dashboard covering 200 nations looking at trends in numbers of cases in a nation and the words most commonly searched for on Google – these include categories for symptoms, mental health treatment and consequences. A full methodology is […]
Literature reviews in Developmental Economics
VoxDevLits New quick literature reviews from VOXDEv that aim to summarise the evidence base on narrowly defined topics related to development economics. Each is provided by a group of scholars and specialists. They are intended to be updated providing summaries of existing literature and studies on topics relating to development issues. The first one released is […]
South Asian Gender and Sexuality Web Archive
New web archive from the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation and available from the website. It currently includes 74 archived web resources covering LGBT+ activism in South Asia and its diaspora. These are valuable for grass roots discussion of gay and transgender rights , pride and cultural events and responses to government policy which may […]
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