A new online exhibiton from Europeana which includes materials from Europe’s national libraries and archives. It covers a series of topics including legal changes, changing attitudes towards marriage, kinship, changing gender roles and perceptions of childhood. The exhibition has text, images and audio-visual content.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Food and water
The Cost of a Plate of Food 2020 (WFP)A basic meal is far beyond the reach of millions of people in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic joins existing food shortages and hunger according to this report from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). The report highlights the countries where a simple meal such as […]
World Kindness day 13th November
To celebrate this, some special social sciences resources. The world giving index from CAF measures giving to charity and willingness to help a stranger amongst individuals. It is ranked by nation. In the last edition Myanmr was top of the league. The digital civility index measures online behaviours and respect. Which nations treat each other […]
Centre for Ageing Better, Community of Practice Resource LibraryA lottery funded evidence based research organisation. The website brings together a catalogue of reports, studies and infographics on areas of interest to community members and others interested in evidence around ageing better. Topics covered include government policy, home design as well as individual health, fitness and […]
The Graduate Gender Pay Gap
The graduate gender pay gap report from Hepi. The overall graduate gender pay gap is not accounted for by subject of study, type of university attended, prior attainment, social background or ethnicity. Men appear to be more willing to be geographically mobile. Other interesting facts – men ARE more ambitious in amount and types of […]
UNSCR 1325 at 20: report from the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
This WILPF report, Perspectives from Feminist Peace Activists and Civil Society, is based on a series of global interviews, consultations, and meetings with feminist peace activists — the key actors who advocated for the adoption of UNSCR 1325. It documents their assessment of the past 20 years of implementation, and what more must be done […]
US elections: historic data
Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House Representatives – Election Statistics The Clerk of the U.S. House Representatives lists elections results from 1920 towards and includes the official vote counts for presidential electors, U.S. senators, and U.S. Representatives A New Nation VotesElection returns from 1787-1825 made available from The American Antiquarian Society and Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives American […]
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States.
An open-access archive of primary sources covering the following six topics: Slavery and abolition Civil war and reconstruction Jim Crow segregation 1878-1932 New Deal and WWII Civil Rights and Black Power Movements till 1975 Contemporary era Find links to the resource on our A-Z of Databases or Library Search
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project
ACLED’s political violence and protest data website now has a new feature in addition to the datasets which allow researchers to monitor emerging crises around the world in real time. It now has a Conflict Pulse prediction tool; users can now model expected trends a week into the future, supporting efforts to develop enhanced early warning systems and prevent […]
World Statistics Day
20th October was World Statistics day. The ILO raised concerns about gaps in terms of collection of data about gender and work If you are looking for accurate reliable data here are some free recmomendations: DataPortals.org datacatalogs.org– Comprehensive list of open data portals in the world maintained by Open Knowledge International. EU Data Includes data […]
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