Clayoquot Lives: an ecofeminist story. An online archive of materials related to the 1993 Peace Camp in Clayoquot Sound, Canada. This was set up by activists to protest against rainforest logging. The site includes oral histories, photographs and papers from those involved.Niamh Moore co wrote an academic journal article on the ethics of creating the digital […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Congressional Directories, 19th and 20th centuries
Congressional Directory from the 19th and 20th centuries. Are being digitised by USA GPO. The first release includes Directories from 1869–1888, as well as 1993. Each directory contains lists of parliamentary officials, biographies of members and details on their committee membership.
State corruption
Explore the 2022 Transparency International Index. The CPI ranks 180 countries and territories around the world by their perceived levels of public sector corruption. The methodology is provided and there are indexes from the early 1990s onwards.
Index of African Governance
The 2022 Ibrahim Index of African Governance has just been published. It provides a biennial statistical assessment of the quality of governance in a large number of African countries. It covers security, rule of law, participation, equality and more. The reports provides details of the methodology and the ability to compare the scores over a longer period of […]
Disability history resource list
For UK Disability History Month (mid-November to mid-December) the BBIH provided a free list of over 450 key titles covering all aspects of disability. There are links to open access full text versions where these are available. They include articles, books and chapters. For more details see: for disability History month they have provided […]
BAME communities of Wales
Revealing the Lived Experience of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic People in Wales has been produced by Melian Dialogue for the Archives and Records Council Wales and funded by the Welsh Government. It aims to raise awareness of and increase access to cultural collections for people within Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. The first […]
To start LGBT history month, the launch of the Queer Heritage and Collections Network website. The Network is made up of professionals in archives and museums who are seeking to improve collecting, access and inclusion. The website includes the full recordings from Symposium 2021 and Symposium 2022, a review of the academic literature on queer […]
Equality, diversity and inclusion showcase – London Higher A report, case studies and information on the work HEIs have done recently on gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, disability or religion, or types of interventions such as decolonisation projects. Accompanying the report, is a range of videos from member institutions showing what they are doing in the […]
History Workshop revamped website
History Workshop is a digital magazine of radical history. It has recently revamped its website. It provides free access to online image of radical digital images. It also provides access to short informative podcasts (currently featuring Corinne Fowler from the School of Museum Studies) discussing radical history topics. Some articles are available online free.
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