Playlist for Black History Month
From Box of Broadcasts, a playlist of programmes on the experiences of people in colour in the UK and beyond. Available to all University students and staff situated in the UK.
Advertising labels of fruit and vegetables
From The Lug and Can Label Collection, which is part of the UC Davis library’s Archives and Special Collections. You can view more than 4,800 colourful 20th century labels from American fruit and vegetable cans and containers. Great for students of economic and advertising history.
Freedom of Internet report 2021
Latest annual report from Freedom House which ranks 70 nations according to levels of internet freedom. This includes coverage of freedom of expression, user privacy, regulation and control of big tech companies. Full methodology is provided on the website.
BBC Rewind: Northern Ireland
A website from the BBC Rewind provides free access to BBC archive news programmes reflecting life and events in Northern Ireland from 1952 to December 1979. Most are news clips from BBC Northern Ireland news and current affairs programmes including Ulster Mirror. It includes coverage of the Troubles as well as quirky news stories.
History of the BBC
‘100 Voices that made the BBC’ series – ‘Entertaining the Nation’. Historical site from the BBC which is based on oral histories. It is curated by Dr. Jamie Medhurst, Aberystwyth University, with contributions by Dr. Siân Nicholas, Aberystwyth University, Dr. Anthony McNicholas, University of Westminster, and Professor Richard Haynes, University of Stirling, under the […]
Advertisements from Exponent women’s newspaper
A historic database of advertisements from Woman’s Exponent newspaper from 1872-1914, made available free online from Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library and Utah Digital Newspapers. It is possible to browse by date or industry. Includes many contemporary ads targeted at a female audience including clothes, fashion, education, and travel.
Global Cybersecurity Index 2020
The latest annual ranking from the ITU measures national countries legal measures (e.g. data protection), cybersecurity infrastructure, online child protection measures and cooperation with international measures.
LGBTQ Video Game Archive
LGBTQ Video Game Archive: Catalogue of LGBTQ video games since the 1980s. Of relevance to creative computing.
Human Rights: TikTok
The United Nations has launched a Human Rights TikTok account:
Online Nation
Ofcom’s annual Online Nation report and interactive dataset.Contains the latest evidence on online usage and behaviour for Britain and includes a rapid evidence literature review on online misinformation and media literacy
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