The European Political Strategy Centre has launched ORBIS – the Open Repository Base on International Strategic Studies. It is an open-access repository for publications on foresight studies. It holds documents on topics as diverse as the future of the economy, education and space exploration. Researchers can create an account and submit foresight documents for publication.
What are the most popular online purchases?
Recent date from the ONS allows you to discover what types of products are purchased by different age-groups.
Creative Industries
March of the modern makers: An industrial strategy for the creative industries An interesting report from the Institute for Public Policy Studies. The 70-page document considers the current state of the creative industries. These are defined as nine broad sub-sectors: advertising and marketing; architecture; crafts; design (including fashion); film, TV, video, radio and photography; IT, […]
Population growth
Population Council develop new tool for assessing factors driving future population growth in a country. The decomposition service from Devinfo calculates the contributions of different demographic factors (wanted and un-wanted fertility, mortality, migration, and age structure) to population growth. It is based on the medium variant population projection of the United Nations from 2010 to […]
Vlearn A free access site for business and management students. It has inspiring talks from business leaders covering leadership management topics including business ethics, change management includes videos and blog entries. Hosted at University of Central Lancashire
Bloomberg: Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance/Corporate Social Reponsibility
ESG (or CSR) has been topical over the last five years. Several studies from asset managers have shown that companies committed to transparency in the reporting of environmental, social and corporate governance aims outperform their peers. Bloomberg’s ESG data, equity screening and backtesting functions verify these findings. Find case studies using the function FFM on […]
Bloomberg: geographical distribution of revenue
Analysing a company’s revenue geographic breakdown is interesting angle to predict future strategic development. Find case studies using the function FFM on your Bloomberg terminals.
Following the recent tragedy in Bangladesh- would you pay more for ethical production? Depressingly, a Huff/Post YouGov poll of American shoppers found little awareness about the incident or sources of their clothing. This paper from 2005 found that despite their stated support for free trade coffee consumers often purchased other cheaper brands. Find further economics working […]
Mobile trends
comScore has released its latest Mobile Future in Focus report for the US http://www.comscore.com/Insights/Presentations_and_Whitepapers/2013/2013_Mobile_Future_in_Focus Quick summary of the contents available: http://www.infotodayeurope.com/2013/03/04/mobile-trends-2012-2013/
The Australian Women’s Weekly (1933 – 1982)
Freely available on National Australian web service, Trove: http://trove.nla.gov.au/aww This title has one of the largest circulations of popular women’s magazines in Australia. Its archive is of great relevance for students and researchers of social history as it includes colour images and contemporary advertising. Which are fascinating for tracing women’s history, advertising and popular culture […]
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