Who uses social media?
The latest Pew report (covering the USA) provides a snapshot of the social democgraphics of Internet users by categories such as age, race, gender and income: http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2013/Social-media-users.aspx For similar accounts relating to the UK try the Oxford Internet Surveys: http://microsites.oii.ox.ac.uk/oxis/databases For another good starting point for free data, often with a focus on consumer usage […]
Access to Middle East and Islamic resources
http://amirmideast.blogspot.co.uk/ Useful blog highlighting open access resources in this area. Journals covering all subject areas. Created by USA libraries. Find out the latest news about what you can get for free. Covers culture, history, civilisation.
Graduates and earnings
Postgraduates earn more than other graduates according to a report from the Sutton Trust, Postgraduate Premium: Revisiting Trends in Social Mobility and Educational Inequalities in Britain and America. http://www.suttontrust.com/news/news/the-postgraduate-premium/ The trust is concerned that to be a graduate is now not enough and shows postgraduates have more opportunities and better wages. Other related sources: High […]
New interactive guide to humanitarian financing
http://www.globalhumanitarianassistance.org/data-guides/humanitarian-aid-network Based on the Global Humanitarian Assistance reports http://www.globalhumanitarianassistance.org/reports produced every year by the Development Initiatives think tank. It aims to map map out how players interconnect and how the information, financing and other resources flow through both the formal and informal system.
Top 100 gay-friendly employers
Stonewall releases 2013 list of top 100 gay-friendly employers Find out who heads the list and the criteria used by downloading the analysis from the website: http://www.stonewall.org.uk/at_work/stonewall_top_100_employers/default.asp On a related theme in the USA, the first Municipal Equality Index (MEI), a rating system of LGBT inclusion in municipal law has just been released by the […]
Joseph Stiglitz and Central Banks
Nobel Prize-winning economist, Joseph Stiglitz, stated that central banks have too much financial power to remain as unelected bodies. Read the full speech to the Indian reserve bank on his website: A Revolution in Monetary Policy: Lessons in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis, C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai, January […]
Med-Mem This new online video library co-funded by the European Union is the largest online video archive library with over 4000 items relating to the historic, cultural and tourism heritage of the Mediterranean. Chosen by an international editorial committee. There is strong coverage of Mediterranean countries that are partners of the EU – Algeria, Egypt, […]
IZA Discussion Papers
http://www.iza.org/en/webcontent/publications/papers The IZA is a leading resource on labour market economics which cooperates closely with the Economics Department at the University of Bonn.
Large corporations and tax
Large corporations and tax. Here are some a starting points for research. HM Revenue website has the official regulations and forms. It also provides free access to regular statistical reports on corporation tax. There is also a section about the need to reform tax laws. Useful documents and guides on home and overseas tax regulations can […]
A new initiative to provide free open access to statistical data from the Indian government. It currently has only 19 datasets, but these include recent GDP and consumer price indexes, and more will be added as data controllers are appointed. Materials will include state level and urban/rural data. Datasets are available to download in Excel. More […]
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