150 years of the TUC
To celebrate is founding 150 years ago the TUC is creating its 150 voices to capture inspiring stories about trade unionists. They include early women socialists as well as more recent oral histories from strikes and industrial disputes. The TUC already has a great digital library of key documents and images from its history on the […]
Archiving activism
The aim of this project is to explore the ways in which radical, feminist and at times illegal protest actions are archived. The project was initiated by Rachel Tavernor during a three month PhD placement at the British Library (funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council). The website includes two strands. The first, is […]
MAI Journal of feminist visual culture
MAI Journal of feminist visual culture launched. MAI is a new open access feminist journal founded and edited by Anna Backman Rogers (Senior Lecturer in Feminist Philosophy and Visual Culture, University of Gothenburg, Sweden) & Anna Misiak (Senior Lecturer in Film/MA Film & Television Course Coordinator, Falmouth University, UK) in collaboration with an international board […]
Personal data and elections
The Influence Industry: The Global Business of Using Your Data in Elections. Tactical tech is monitoring these issues and will be releasing the following reports over the coming months: Maintaining power: how are data and digital influence techniques used in-between elections? What are the options for monitoring and controlling digital influence in political campaigning? Money, […]
Irish Independence film collection
Free access via the Irish Film Institute player to this great collection of British news reel films covering the period 1900-1930 with such key events as WW1, the Easter Rising, the War of Independence and the Irish Civil War. Browse by timeline or key events. Each entry has a description, technical information and credits.
Syrian Archives Chemical weapons database
The Syrian Archive aims to support human rights investigators, advocates, media reporters and journalists in their efforts to document human rights violations in Syria. Its website collects reports of attacks on journalists and human rights violations. It now has a database of chemical weapons attacks materials. Currently verified 861 videos from 193 sources covering some 212 […]
Consumer data research
A new book published by UCL Press, looks at big data collected by customer-facing organisations – such as store loyalty card transactions, smart travel tickets, or smart energy meter readings – and how they can and are changing Social Science research. Download the PDF for free at: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-press/browse-books/consumer-data-research
Karl Marx 200
The British Library has a digital copy of parts of the original Communist Manifesto – only 26 are believed to have survived worldwide! It also provides background information on its publication. The library website also has an image of Marx’s original British Library readers ticket. You can read his classic works, letters and writings free […]
Women in developing countries 9% less likely to have a bank account
Global Findex Database 2017: Measuring Financial Inclusion and the Fintech Revolution The Global Findex database is the world’s most comprehensive data set on how adults save, borrow, make payments and manage risk. It is published every 3 years by the World Bank based on multinational surveys of adults. Topics covered include: access to bank accounts, […]
World Press Freedom day is celebrated annually on the 3rd May
2018 is the 25th anniversary and the focus is upon the rule of law. Find out more about the events on the UNESCO official website. These include a book on press freedom and the safety of journalists and other resolutions, papers and resources. The United nations website has links to related resolutions, reports and committee websites. […]
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