IFS launch UK inequality review
Announced recently by IFS, funded by the Nuffield Foundation and chaired by Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Angus Deaton. It aims to examine opportunity as well as wealth and social mobility. Also released this week on the topic of social mobility and education: A NEON report showing white working class students have less access to top UK universities. Get the full […]
Diversity in Media new tool
DIVA is an online resource developed by David Deacon and James Stanyer of the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture, Loughborough University in collaboration with Business Intelligence And Strategy (B.I.A.S) and is supported Research England’s Higher Education Innovation Fund. Concerns about the diversity of media content and representation are concerned with questions of both […]
Female Genital Mutilation
International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation was 6th February Key resources for researching related topics include: A report published by the UN in July 2018 the on efforts to eliminate FGM This includes data on its prevalence and efforts to curb it. National FGM centre for the UK is between Barnardo’s and […]
United Nations Yearbook on Human Rights
Yearbook on Human Rights (1946-1988) now available online Between 1946 and 1988 the United Nations published annual editions of the Yearbook on Human Rights. The Yearbooks are a great source of information on the historic activities of the United Nations in the field of human rights during this time period. They can now be downloaded in […]
Cyberpolicy portal launched
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) has just launched a Cyber Policy Portal that provides researchers with a single route to quickly get information and cross compare cyber security policies of UN member states as well as a number of international organisations. It includes information and links to key strategy documents and organisations […]
Anti-Semitism growing in the UK
Shocking data this week that anti-Semitic incidents recorded by the Community Security trust continue to grow. Their 2018 annual report lists 1,652. Get the full facts on types and methodology from the website which also documents the rising trends. For a wider snapshot of trends in European nations, try the Agency for Fundamental Rights. It […]
Culture of bullying for UK black academics
…according to a recent survey by UCU union. There are only 25 black female professors in the UK. 0.1 % of the total percentage. The report Staying Power interviews 20 of them on their experiences revealing that they feel that they have to work harder and longer. A freedom of information request from the BBC revealed recently […]
ONS sexual orientation data
Released this week from the UK Office of National Statistics, ONS sexual orientation data. This covers 2017 and aims to provide a new set of data on sexual orientation by region, sex, age, marital status, ethnicity and socio-economic classification. This enables users to consider where the most people who identify as LGBT live. Data on sexual […]
Who are the UK’s top 100 LGBT Employers?
Stonewall has just released its ranking of the best places to work. View the full list and methodology via the website.
LGBT+ History month
February is LGBT+ History month. Here is a list of some of the many LGBT-related resources in the library https://rl.talis.com/3/leicester/lists/8D028B92-A355-F78A-3C82-A95539A45FEE.html?lang=en-GB&login=1
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