Coming soon: 2016 US elections
RealClearPolitics: Election 2016 This site from RealClearPolitics offers readers daily updates on polls, interviews, speeches, and other news related to the 2016 election. It currently includes polls relating to the Republican and Democratic nominations.
What makes cities competitive?
Find out by downloading a recent working paper from the World Bank – Kilroy, A.F.L., Mukim, M., Negri, S. (2015) Competitive cities for jobs and growth : what, who, and how. The objective of this report is to create a knowledge base on what makes cities competitive, to improve the understanding of job creation at the […]
Charlie Hebdo attacks: first anniversary
Twitter coverage of the anniversary The University of Oxford has translated and made free on the Internet a book on tolerance. With extracts from key French philosophers and writers. The original text was La Société Française d’Etude du Dix-Huitième Siècle (ed.), Tolerance: le combat des Lumières (Paris: SFEDS, 2015). Contents include: The Declaration of the […]
Fat Cat salaries: read and weep!
Fat Cat Tuesday On the 5th January 2016 top bosses salaries FTSE CEOS will already have exceeded the average annual pay of many workers (£27,645) according to the High Pay Centre Find out how wages compare using their pay calculator Price Waterhouse Cooper conducts regular surveys on the state of executive pay in the UK. […]
Data centres for researchers
The Economic and Social Research Council are funding three data centres – the Consumer Data Research Centre the Urban Big Data Centre at University of Glasgow Business and Local Government Data Research Centre at the University of Essex. Please feel free to explore them and use them in your research.
Bedroom tax
The Final Report from the Evaluation of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy (often referred to as the ‘bedroom tax’) carried out jointly by CCHPR and Ipsos Mori, has been published. The report explores the effects of the cuts to Housing Benefit for working age social housing tenants who are deemed to be under-occupying […]
How far have we come? Lessons from the 1965 Race relations Act
Free access to this collection of essays from the Runnymede Trust. The 26 page pamphlet covers the socio-legal context of the act, the implementation of the act in the 21st century and the relationship between the act and the Magna Carta.
Open the Door: social science research for development and a sustainable future
New publication from the European Commission. Download the full text in PDF from the website. Provides descriptions and examples of key EU research programmes in these fields. Each entry include details of partners, description and outcome.
Migration in the media
How do the media cover international migration stories? The report, Moving Stories, is published by the Ethical Journalism Network and reviews media coverage of migration in the European Union and in 14 countries across the globe. It finds that in general coverage is poor. It refers to a concentration on sensationalism, a failure to highlight […]
Year in Twitter 2015
Official website from Twitter where you can trace key trends and the most influential stories and individuals.
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