Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission


Juno Mission unveils the depth and structure of planet’s shrinking red spot and colourful bands

Juno Mission unveils the depth and structure of planet’s shrinking red spot and colourful bands

Dr. Leigh Fletcher, Participating Scientist for the NASA’s Juno mission, reports on latest discoveries revealing the 3D structure of Jupiter’s deep atmosphere, in an article recently published on TheConversation. Further information can be found in press releases from JPL and from Leicester. Nasa’s Juno mission, the solar-powered robotic explorer of Jupiter, has completed its five-year prime mission to […]

Chasing shadows at Jupiter

On July 17th, 11am-4pm,   Leicester planetary scientists Dr. Tom Stallard and Dr. Henrik Melin were live-streaming observations of Ganymede as it passed over the face of Jupiter, using telescopes on the summit of Maunakea, Hawaii.  This observation is expected to give us vital new insights into how Jupiter’s extreme upper atmosphere changes as the […]

“New views of Jupiter” showcases swirling clouds on giant planet

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Betsy Asher Hall/Gervasio Robles

Members of NASA’s Juno mission team, some of the world’s leading observers of Jupiter, and citizen scientists from across the globe are attending a workshop ‘New Views of Jupiter: Pro-Am Collaborations during and beyond the NASA Juno Mission’ at the Royal Astronomical Society in London on 10-11 May. JunoCam images presented at the meeting by […]

First Juno science results supported by University of Leicester’s Jupiter ‘forecast’

First Juno science results supported by University of Leicester’s Jupiter ‘forecast’

Astronomers publish predictions of planetary phenomena on Jupiter that informed spacecraft’s arrival. New observations about the extreme conditions of Jupiter’s weather and magnetic fields by University of Leicester astronomers have contributed to the revelations and insights coming from the first close passes of Jupiter by NASA’s Juno mission, announced today (25 May). The astronomers from […]

The First 150 Days of Juno

Slicing through Jupiter's sub-cloud atmosphere with the microwave radiometer.

  Back in July, there was much fanfare surrounding the successful arrival of the Juno spacecraft at Jupiter.  A near-perfect engine firing had placed the solar-powered spacecraft into just the right orbit, with the promise of great things to come.  Juno’s science goals are fourfold:  explore the origins, interior structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere of this […]

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