Carceral Archipelago


Forced Labour and Shifting Borders

Sakhalin Ainu

Some may argue (for good reason) that the collapse of space and time is a commonplace condition of twenty-first century life. From where I sit, however, I wonder: do many experiences symbolize the post-modern blurring of geographies and temporalities as deftly as air travel? I contemplate this admittedly non-unique yet nevertheless miraculous phenomenon—the inhabitation of […]

Convicts and other (“free” and “unfree”) workers. Views from the First ELHN Conference

The venue of the first ELHN Conference, Turin

How can we frame convict labour in the broader context of entangled labour relations? This is one of the key-questions in the Carceral Archipelago project, which seeks to understand how (especially transported) convicts interacted with other workers within and across empires. Some important suggestions for addressing this question emerged during the first European Labour History […]

Juvenile Immigrants: An Experiment in Convict Labour?

Juvenile Immigrants: An Experiment in Convict Labour?

By Kellie Moss. During the last two years as an affiliated researcher with the Carceral Archipelago Project my work has taken some fascinating turns as the parameters I selected to define my research have unexpectedly expanded. Initially interested in the role of convicts transported to the Swan River Colony in Western Australia my efforts in […]

The Carceral Archipelago conference – an early career perspective

The Carceral Archipelago conference – an early career perspective

By Jennie Jeppesen. At the beginning of her discursive remarks, Ebony Jones summed up best one of the most refreshing things about the Carceral Archipelago conference which took place between the 13th and 16th of September in Leicester. She said (and I paraphrase slightly here) “It is refreshing to be in a place and with […]

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