2017 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices These are Published annually by the US State Department and cover the status of human rights and worker rights in nearly 200 countries worldwide. The 2017 website includes the ability to interactively build a report. Topics include civil liberties (freedom of the Press, freedom of expression) worker rights and […]
Rule of Law Index 2017-18
Just released by the World Justice Project. It examines and ranks adherence to the rule of law in 113 nations and jurisdictions worldwide. Evidence is gathered from surveys. 5 questionnaires covering 9 factors. Find out more about the variables and methodology used on the website. Topics covered include: Constraints on Government Powers, Fundamental Rights, Order […]
Democracy is in Crisis
According to the latest annual report from Freedom House on the state of civil and political liberties worldwide the situation is worsening. They recorded 71 nations where conditions declined. Find out the best and worst countries from their coloured coded maps and rankings. These also cross-compare data for 12 years. Methodology is provided on the […]
Visualising Palestine
This award winning site was originally launched in 2012. Its aim is to create data visualization tools to advance a factual, rights-based understanding of the Palestinian-Israeli issue. It uses sources from leading human rights and international agencies. There are a number of infographics relating to the status of Palestinians in Jerusalem. Each has a description […]
European Convention Human Rights anniversary – 67 years!
The European Convention on human rights was signed 67 years ago,. See this happy birthday video and blog on its importance from the Rights Information blog. Read the full text of the Treaty on the Council of Europe website Read the Equality and Human Rights commission explanation. Discussion from the Conversation blog.
Comics about social and human rights issues
Positive negatives: an interesting example of comics being used to communicate key social issues. The website has articles, podcasts and videos which describe its aims and the charities it works with. There are also good examples of graphics, for example the Amnesty International ‘I welcome’ campaign to end violence against refugee women and Almaz which highlights […]
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum project
SOGICA is a research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) that explores the social and legal experiences of asylum seekers across Europe claiming international protection on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI). Focusing on Germany, Italy and the UK as case studies, and analysing how SOGI related claims are […]
Which countries are best for children’s rights?
International children’s rights foundation KidsRights and Erasmus University, Rotterdam have recently published the KidsRights Index 2017, a global ranking which charts countries’ performance records concerning children’s rights. Interestingly Portugal tops the ranks with the UK in 156th place! This is because it assesses rights in five demands (including child legislation, health and education) and considers […]
Syrian Archive
This website hopes to document and preserve evidence of human rights abuses in Syria. It is a collaborative effort from human rights activists which aims to create a systematic well catalogued collection of evidence. The website has a geographical mapping and searchable keyword database of violations. These record types of incidents some with shockingly disturbing […]
Oxford Guidance on the Law Relating to Humanitarian Relief Operations in Situations of Armed Conflict
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has just launched this guide compiled by the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict and the Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations which provides information on international law relating to all aspects of humanitarian aid in war. It includes coverage of […]
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