A major new LGBT digital collection from British Colombia and the city of Vancouver. The BC Gay and Lesbian Archives was established in 1976 and developed and maintained by Ron Dutton . It comprises periodicals, photographs, posters, and audiovisual materials pertaining to LGBTQ2+ communities in Vancouver and British Columbia. Explore online posters and ephemera including […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (November 2nd)
The United Nations has designated 2 November as International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. This event calls on nations to condemn attacks on journalists and to bring the alleged perpetrators to justice. Here are some recommended sites: The Committee to Protect Journalists website has data on attacks on the press since 1992 and the global index of journalists killed in 2019 […]
How much time do students spend studying?
The 2019 engagement survey by AdvanceHE records a decline since 2016 in the proportion of students spending 11 hours or more per week in taught classes and/or independent learning; the taught study declining by 4% this year to 46% and independent learning falling by 3% to 44%. At the same time outside work hours and […]
African women own fewer assets than men
Latest Afrobarometer finding on opinion polls conducted in 34 African nations 2016-18. It also covers attitudes towards household decision making. Download the facts and methodology from the website. Assests include mobile phones, computers, bank accounts, transport and TVs.
Windrush Passengers 1948 Arrival List
Digitised by Goldsmiths University of London new transcription of the Windrush passenger list the original of which is held at The National Archives. It has links to PDF versions of landing cards, names, date of births occupations and proposed address. The National Archives has some original government letters about the arrival of the ship in […]
Striking Women
An educational site developed by developed by Dr Sundari Anitha from the University of Lincoln and Professor Ruth Pearson from the University of Leeds in 2013 but worth rediscovering. It covers migration, women and work, workers’ rights, and the story of South Asian women workers during the Grunwick and Gate Gourmet industrial disputes in processing plants in the […]
24% of students from Ethnic Minority Backgrounds have experience racial harassment in UK universities
Shocking new report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission has these findings. Get the methodology and facts by downloading the report.
Monty Python Archive
For those seeking to look on the bright side the BBC archive has released Monty Python materials to celebrate the 50th anniversary. They include documents, original reviews, photographs and insights into its creation and reception.
World Food Day (16th October)
See the FAO official website for details of this year’s theme on healthy diet. UNICEF The State of the World’s Children 2019: Children, food and nutrition They refer to children in the UK as being in a swamp of obesity. OECD has recently published a report The Heavy Burden of Obesity The Economics of Prevention Using microsimulation modelling, this […]
Black Britain on Film Collection
Free via the BFI player this collection of films celebrates the Black presence in Britain. They include a significant number of pre-Windrush films and documentaries highlighting black lives . They include footage of this visit of heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson to Manchester Docks in 1911.
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