This IFS report looks at which degrees bring the most financial rewards and considers the impact of the family background. One result- compared with otherwise-similar individuals who don’t go beyond undergraduate level, by age 35 women with a masters degree earn 2% more and men 2% less.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Oil and Gas Transformation Map
A new interactive tool created by the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University/SIPA and World Economic Forum to track the changes occurring in these energy sectors due to the need to transition to lower carbon energy sources. Also covered is supply, finance employment, geopolitics, climate change. The full press announcement is here The full database is here
Explosive Violence Monitor
Explosive Violence Monitor 2019 Latest annual report by Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) – demonstrates that civilians continue to be disproportionately affected by the use of explosive weapons. AOAV has, since 2011, recorded the global impact of explosive violence as reported in English language media: this means that it is not all instances but it gives […]
UN Day of South-South Cooperation
UN Day South South Cooperation is held on the 12th September. It is intended to mark the importance of networks of collaboration amongst nations in the Global south as a key to development. This report summarises the challenges and opportunities it offers: · Role of South-South cooperation and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: […]
METOO digital Project Schlesinger Library
Major archival project from the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America which is based at Harvard University. It is working on a large-scale project to comprehensively document the #metoo movement covering the legal, political and social impact. It is aiming to collect social media, news articles, legislation, lawsuits, statistical studies, Fortune 500 companies’ employment manuals, […]
UNV Knowledge Portal on Volunteerism
The UNV Knowledge Portal on Volunteering is a great new resource it includes a volunteering database containing country laws, policies, statistical measurement. An evidence library of full text reports, reviews and datasets on key themes such as gender and volunteering, humanitarian volunteers, youth, climate, peacekeeping
Race and Power: Cambridge University Press
Just launched by Cambridge University press, a free collection of journal articles and book chapters which engage critically with the legacy of empire, the slave trade and issues of race and power in society. It will be updated quarterly.
The Black Humanitarian
Black Humanitarian is a website created by Susan Sebatindira which aims to raise the profile of BAME aid workers and to offer them a place to network and connect. See this introduction from the LSE. There are regular video features from practitioners offering insight into their role and career.
Women Elected Officials Database From the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP)
The Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) is part of the Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University-New Brunswick. The database includes full historical listings for women who have held office at the congressional, statewide elected executive, and state legislative levels nationwide from 1895 onwards. For each woman officeholder, the database includes their geographic information, party identification, […]
Gender and Women, Peace and Security
To highlight the important role of women in peacemaking and to mark the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security, the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) has launched a new web page dedicated to inclusive and gender responsive mediation. It has resources on conflict related violence and […]
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