Bangani, S. (2021) ‘The Fake News Wave: Academic Libraries’ Battle Against Misinformation During COVID-19′, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(5). From Stellenbosch University Library & Information Service, South Africa, this inspiring example considers the extent of fake news and misinformation in African contexts and the ways libraries have been helping to combat it.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
The Chilling: Global trends in online violence against women journalists
Based on a global survey of 901 journalists from 125 countries, this new UNESCO study found 73% identifying as women said they had experienced online violence. Black, Indigenous, Jewish, Arab and lesbian women journalists participating in the survey and interviews said they experienced both the highest rates and the most severe impacts of online violence.
Are 15-year-olds prepared to deal with fake news and misinformation?
A report launched by the OECD this week Data based on the cross-national PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) surveys. Are students taught reading strategies for assessing the credibility of sources? Is socio-economic status significant?
UNCTAD COVID-19 Response Portal
United Nations Conference on trade and development has launched a new portal with data on the impact of Covid-19 on manufacturing, trade and foreign direct investment. It has 25 indicators. Including vaccine role out, stock market prices, exports, levels of debt, investment and trade.
Sisters Doing It For Themselves
Sisters Doing It For Themselves – archiving a herstory of activism launch event Now available from a recent LSE Library event. An inspiring YouTube video of the launch of this project being organised by the Womens Resource Centre Project which is seeking to document the history of the leadership of the Women’s voluntary and community sector movement in the 1970s […]
Chinese Comic Book covers
Chinese comic book covers Curated by Chinese Studies Librarian Zhaohui Xue, this online exhibition from Stanford University of the covers of various comic books held in the collections of the East Asia Library. Most were published 1950-1970s. They offer insight into propaganda and cultural attitudes of the period.
Impact of COVID on elections
Briefing on how coronavirus has affected UK elections, from the House of Commons Library
The impact of online misinformation on U.S. COVID-19 vaccinations
Paper from arxiv with the following findings: consistently, negative opinions toward vaccines are correlated with misinformation. These results suggest that addressing online misinformation must be a key component of interventions aimed to maximize the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns.
BBC handbook online
The BBC Hand Book was first issued in 1928 and published until 1987 when it became annual reports. The contents comprise a review of the year’s programming, cultural and technical achievements. A large number are free to download from this website providing a rich source of information for both media historians, those focussing on the technical […]
Migration Network Hub
The United Nations Network on Migration was launched recently It aims to provide a place where researcher scan access a variety of resources relating to worldwide migration including labour migration, border control and trafficking. It includes global and regional materials, links to a variety of UN and other major reports, networks of experts, events listings […]
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