Age Gender Diversity Matrix Tool – A Framework for an Inclusive World ( Developed by Associate Professor Eileen Pittaway and Dr Linda Bartolomei, University of New South Wales.The tool is designed to provide a framework for humanitarian workers and aid agencies to develop policies that are intersectional in terms of inclusivity by categories such as […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Russian Books of the 18th Century
Open access collection from the University of Illinois Slavic Reference Collection. It forms part of an ambitious on-going project to make all of the books listed in Svodnyi katalog russkoi knigi grazhdanskoi pechati XVIII veka digitally available. Digitized books have been curated from the Russian National Electronic Library (RusNEB). Currently more than 400 available
Dollis Hill War Diary
A new BT archive; the second world war diary of W.G. Radley, Assistant Staff Engineer which reveals work with Bletchley Park and the use of eavesdropping equipment. The site has transcripts and some recorded material and offers insight into the development of technology as well as its political history.
Digitised Olympic games resources
IOC’s Olympic Studies Centre is finishing the process of digitising all the publications of the Organising Committees (OCOGs) of past Olympic Games hosted in France. Recently added are documents from Paris 1900 and 1924, Chamonix 1924, Grenoble 1968 and Albertville 1992. They include programmes, rules and regulations.
African-American archive
The Langston Heritage Group Collection, 1869-2022 documents African-American history in Johnson City, Tennessee, and greater Washington County. It features materials relating to African American churches the African American experience in schools and social life in general. The digital collection forms part of that held by the Archives of Appalachia at East Tennessee State University, These include photographs […]
Critical race theory
UCLA Law school project tracking attacks on the teaching of critical race theory in the USA. Critical race theory seeks to expose systematic racism and racist cultures. This UCLA project aims to monitor ways in which states have attempted to ban or limit this. Its website has details, mappings and discussion.
Canadian women directors
Canadian women film directors database Compiled by Margaret Fulford, a librarian at the University of Toronto. This database is a great bilingual research tool containing bibliographies, filmographies, quotations, and other information about over 1,600 Canadian women directors and their films. It has timelines of key events, a bibliography of key articles about women directors as well […]
Pacific Manuscript Bureau
Pacific Manuscript Bureau is useful tool for researchers of ethnography and colonial, social, political history of the region. The online resources page details digitisation projects including photographs Also see links to a recent New Guinea photo index which provides a listing of collections in different archives and libraries worldwide.
African Law resource
AfricanLII is an open-access research platform for African law jointly operated by the AfricanLII based at University of Cape Town and Laws.Africa. AfricanLII aims to provide free access to legal materials from the African Union as well as a network of national legal institutes. There are currently about 16 of these. Get links to full text […]
Global Social Challenges Journal
New from Bristol University press Global Social Challenges Journal, a non-profit, open access publication with a mission to address urgent global social issues across disciplines, fields and geographies. It will publish on 16 themes which are connected to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
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