We now have access to: Fashion Theory: the journal of dress, body and culture (1997 – ) (which also includes access to Fashion Practice). Textile: the journal of cloth and culture (2003 -). Find them on Leicester Elink.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Database of Terrorist Incidents
https://wits.nctc.gov/FederalDiscoverWITS/index.do?N=0 The National Counterterrorism Centre (NCTC) maintains the US Government’s database on terrorist attacks. The Worldwide Incidents Tracking System (WITS) is available free of charge. Users can filter and run reports by a variety of characteristics, including nature of incident, group and location. Information on methodology is provided.
Music, Sound and the Moving Image
We now have full text access to the journal Music, Sound and the Moving Image from 2007 onwards. This title can be found on Leicester e-link.
The Lede is a blog that mixes New York Times content with news stories and postings taken from blogs and citizen journalists. http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/ It has excellent coverage of world events, in particular accounts of protests incorporate comment from local bloggers,. This includes links to videos, maps. For example, see http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/12/tunisians-document-protests-online/ this coverage of the Tunisian […]
New frontier database
Columbia Journalism review has launched a new database which aims to index and provide information about digital news outlets in the USA. This includes blogs such as the Huffington Post and websites. Each entry has a summary of coverage, plus facts and figures on number of staff/volunteers, revenue and sources of backing. http://www.cjr.org/the_news_frontier_database/
The Campaign for Social Science
http://www.campaignforsocialscience.org.uk/ A campaign to fight for the future of social science in the UK was launched yesterday (20th January) at the House of Lords. The Campaign for Social Science will promote UK social science by highlighting the vital role that social science plays in modern society and raising its visibility in the public, media and […]
The Media and Sport – London 2012
The British Library is creating a resource about sport for the Olympics. There is a section on the media and sport at: http://www.bl.uk/sportandsociety/exploresocsci/sportsoc/media/media.html The resource will be added to up till the Olympic games, will remain online till 6 months after and then be archived.
Internet sites and censorship
The Hercdict site, maintained by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, gathers reports of blocked and inaccessible sites worldwide. http://www.herdict.org/web/
Truthy project
Aims to analyse and create visual representations of how information is diffused on Twitter. Particular focuses of information include the propagation of false information, political smears on Twitter and the creation of false news stories. At present there is a section on Sarah Palin which focuses on accounts falsely presented as belonging to the politician where […]
Communication Space: the Media and Communications Network.
Communication Space: the Media and Communications Network. http://thecommunicationspace.com/ A site sponsored by commercial publisher SAGE which aims to encourage the exchange of new ideas and research covering all areas of media and communications. Topics include media studies, journalism , new media, video gaming. Researchers can create their own profiles and post to the site. Other users […]
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