Digital collection also new from the Library of Congress, Office of Scientific Research and Development reports made to the US government during the Second World War and beyond covering military equipment . The Optics/ Camouflage (Division 16) collection includes reports on topics such as aerial photography, camouflage applications, periscopes and other optical instruments.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Hebrew manuscripts, Library of Congress
Hebraic Manuscripts from the Library of Congress Over 230 full text Hebrew manuscripts have now been made available online. The oldest item is fragment from a Torah Scroll dating to the late 10th or 11th century, containing the oldest known text of the biblical Song of the Sea. Other materials range from rabbinic responses and […]
Bibliothèque numérique caraibe amazonie plateau des guyanes is a digital library of sources covering Amazonia and the Caribbean maintained by the University of the West Indies and the university of Guyana. It has books, prints, maps and documents of the history and culture of the region including slavery. Some items are offered in French only.
Independent digital news organisations
Project Oasis Europe A year-long project to map the extent nature and impact of independent news outlets in over 40 European nations. The website has a report and directory of outlets. Supported by the European Journalism Centre.
FTSE 100 CEO pay
FTSE CEO pay rising rapidly. The High Pay Centre has released its latest data on FTSE 100 executive pay. Consult their website to get facts on pay inequality in the UK
September is East and South East Asian Heritage Month
Getting ready for East and South East Asian Heritage Month South East Asia Digital Library Provides free access to primary and secondary materials created in and about Southeast Asia. Covers Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. South east Asia visions A collection of over 350 European travel accounts of […]
The Banksy Story
A playlist of 10 x 15-minute or 2 x 60-minute omnibus programmes on Banksy. Stories are told by people who have worked closely with him. The programmes were broadcast on BBC radio 4 in July 2023. The playlist also includes a bonus episode featuring a lost interview with Banksy himself. The playlist is temporarily available […]
Chinese Women’s Magazines of the Qing and Early Republican Period
Chinese Women’s Magazines of the Qing and Early Republican Period A collaborative project funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the German Humboldt Foundation. exploring Chinese periodical publishing focuses on four key magazines published between 1904 and 1937. They include: Each entry has bibliographic and contextual information as well as […]
The South also knows
NORRAG –NORRAG Blog Series – #TheSouthAlsoKnows –NORRAG is a global network of over 5,000 members for international policies and cooperation in education and training. This blog aims to share learning and insights from research, innovations and projects developed and implemented by Southern experts and tackle issues in the South, highlighting their relevance for improving quality […]
KidsRights Index
KidsRights has published its annual index looking at children’s rights across the world, including the UK. The Index measures and ranks several domains including a child’s right to protection. It looks at child labour, adolescent birth rate and birth registration. Methodology is provided on the website.
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