The statistical office of the European Union provides high quality statistics on the European economy, demographics, industry, trade, environment and technology. Recent additions to Eurostat include: infographics – for example Young Europeans, visualisations – for example on the quality of life moblie apps Details of all the above available at
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Historical Archives of the European Union
The Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU)are held in the historic Villa Salviati in Florence. The collection comprises official papers and individual correspondence/personal papers many of which were at one time confidential or secret. They are made public after 30 years. Documents can be consulted in the reading rooms at Villa Salviati and 6 […]
Is the electoral system broken?
According to the Electoral Reform Society the UK electoral system is in crisis as the first-past-the-post system does not reflect votes cast. For full results see the Electoral Commission website and the House of Commons Library Briefing.
Quality of Life in the EU
Eurostat has just released a new series of statistics which present a multi-dimensional measure of well-being, considering social as well as economic factors. This follows the development of recent ONS publications to measure UK national well-being. Better Living Index developed by the OECD Social Progress Index from Deloitte which measures social and environmental conditions in […]
Work and pay
Find out how pay compares in different sectors using this quiz from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. For contrast see the Low Pay 2014 report from the Resolution Foundation
Poor UK managers are rewarded with bonuses
According to the National Management Salary Survey from CMI, 45% of under-performing managers received a bonus. The average is over £8,000.
Students, debt and standard of living
The Sutton Trust estimated in 2014 that students graduate with £44,000 debt and this week the Centre for Policy Studies reported that generation Y (born 1980-2000) will have a lower economic standard of living than their parents.
Economics of Football
Football has dominated the news this week. The high sums of money involved in the World Cup mean that politics and corruption can become involved. Use these resources to find out more Goldman-Sachs World Cup and Economics report 2014 considered the link between football and stock markets. It found that on average the winner outperforms […]
American race riots
Newsmuseum has created a teaching and learning site which has archived front pages of newspaper coverage of events, plus lesson plans and links to historical resources on early 20th-century American race riots.
Can social media predict election results?
A recent SSRN paper from Cardiff University developed a model using Twitter and considers how it could be applied to the UK 2015 general election. Compare this with the latest analysis from the Oxford Internet Institute. UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign which contains 73 contributions from UK academics issued just 10 […]
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