International Women’s Day: some free statistics which show why it is necessary
Here are some free statistics which show why the fight for gender equality is necessary: The Office for National Statistics records the current gender pay gap as 17.3% in 2019. This is declining but still high. Global Gender Gap report 2020 is published annually by the World Economic Forum since 1996. It benchmarks over 140 countries […]
What is the value of fashion?
Vogue has a history of the origins of London Fashion Week What is the value of fashion ? In 2018 British Fashion Council released some data about London Fashion Week including that there were 20,000 cups of espresso served and 200kg of Lavazza coffee consumed! For data on its impact see the Blooming Flower conversation […]
American Federation of Labor records now online
Available to researchers from the Library of Congress Website. This collection of original manuscripts covers the period 1883-1925 and includes the correspondence of such key figures as Samuel Gompers. It provides insight into the development of trade unions in the USA, relations with the government, industrial action and more. Special emphasis is given to railways […]
Who do you trust in business NGOs and the media?
The 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer measures levels of trust in business, NGOs and the media. It records declining levels of trust in the media and government who are perceived as both incompetent and unethical. The online survey was conducted in 28 markets.34,000+ respondents total. All fieldwork was conducted between October 19 and November 18, 2019. […]
Men continue to dominate positions of power in British Life
According to the latest Fawcett sex and power report. The situation is even worse for BAME women. Findings include: Women make up just over one in 20 CEOs of FTSE 100 companies. This remains unchanged since our last report in 2018. None of these CEOs are women of colour. Get the full facts by downloading […]
FTSE 100 CEOs remuneration
FTSE 100 CEOs only need to work until Monday 6 January 2020 in order to make the same amount of money that the typical full-time employee does in the entire year. Get the facts from the High Pay Centre website which also has a pay counter where you can compare your wages with that of […]
ILO launches new Labour Statistics portal
A new website from the International Labour Organisation enables researchers to quickly access up-to-date international statistics on all aspects of labour, employment and the labour market worldwide. It includes country and thematic sections. Topics covered in women and work, migrant labour, the working poor. See the tools section for mapping and downloading tools. Other great […]
Recently a British teenager won almost a million in championships of the computer game Fortnite. So what other good news can we find in evidence of the positive aspects of gaming? Economic impact The BFI report, “Screen Business: How tax incentives help power economic growth across the UK”, says that the gaming industry directly employs […]
International Energy Agency (IEA) databases
The UK Data Service provides access to the International Energy Agency (IEA) databases to UK Further and Higher Education institutions. They are funded by the ESRC, and pay for the IEA licence costs centrally, so there is no cost to institutions. These are high quality datasets, which would be expensive for individual institutions to purchase […]
Does being a woman academic hold you back?
Find out by downloading a new research study published by staff from Cardiff University this week. It is based on a survey of over 2200 staff from Russell Group universities and found that women were often in lower positions due to a combination of factors – having children, being a woman in general and doing […]
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