Advertising expenditure
BRAD Insight at shows the 100 UK companies who spent the most on advertising in 2011.
Seven Days of Social Sciences Research,S380,4OC413,2A2UK,1 New feature on the ESRC website. From 23rd April they will be posting videos text on their website reflecting the breadth of ESRC funded research based on the Monday’s child nursery rhyme. The first instalment fair of face has materials relating to image and identity.
Charitable giving
For research on charitable giving try these resources. Charities Aid foundation publishes UK giving Behaviour can also be compared in the World Giving index Think tank New Philanthropy Capital: provides free access to many of its reports discussing how charities can make themselves more effective. NCVO has commentary on UK charity policy […]
Technology and development
Global Information Technology report 2012: Reports on the extent to which 142 economies use ICT and other new technologies to increase their growth and well-being. See the rankings and essays which discuss the impact on working life. There is also a separate data platform
Information on development
The African Capacity Building Foundation has a virtual library of documents on poverty reduction in Africa at: World Bank documents and data can be accessed in the Open Knowledge Repository at: CGIAR Virtual information centre Information from the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research – a global partnership that unites organizations engaged in […]
The World Bank Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean Maintained by CEDLAS (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) Specialisms include poverty, trade and finance, education and health and millennium development goals. Includes information from over 200 household surveys carried out in 25 countries: Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, […]
CITI for Cities.
Major project of CITIbank which aims to help revitalise the infrastructure and economic development of modern cities worldwide. Its remit includes regeneration, urban development, regulation, infrastructure, transport and services. The website includes news case studies and reports.
Britain’s 50 New Radicals
The Observer and NESTA have published a list of people and organisations that they believe are changing the UK for the better. Many are community organisations or activists. View the full list by location. Each entry has a profile and link to website.
Cross-national income database
Luxembourg Income Database (LIS) This data service includes household and person-level micro data on income, demography, employment, and expenditures from countries all over the world, many from 1968 onwards. Browse by country. Free registration required for access. The site also includes working papers. These cover topics relating to income employment, poverty many based on […]
United Nations Monthly Bulletin of Statistics
2000 onwards free online: Covering more than 200 nations worldwide, this service offers a quick snapshot of over 100 major economic and social indicators. Remember that access to the main UN series of data (United Nations sources) via their UNData website. Browse country files, see the full list of databases and get news on […]
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