Who are the UK’s top 100 LGBT Employers?
Stonewall has just released its ranking of the best places to work. View the full list and methodology via the website.
What happens when gender quotas are introduced for academic hiring committees?
Interesting working paper covering the situation in France which found that after gender quota in academic hiring committees were imposed in France in 2015 there was a negative impact on women. As the author states ‘the reform significantly worsened both the probability of being hired and the ranks of women, with a treatment effect equivalent […]
Global Wage report 2018
Just released, the annual flag ship report from the ILO which has data and supporting essays on trends. The feature this year is the Gender pay gap.
Oxfam launch land rights website
Oxfam have now gathered together reports, news and indicators on all aspects of their work on land rights on a new website. There are thematic subsections on women’s rights, indigenous groups and business and land. It is a good supplement to the FAO Gender and land rights database which has country profiles and general indicators.
Which degrees give the most financial rewards?
Interesting research from IFS looking at early career rewards from obtaining a degree. It focuses upon overall average impact of attending HE on earnings at age 29, taking into account previous characteristics pre-university. Interestingly women often earn more in the first few years than men but later in life they fall behind due to career breaks.
Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre launched
A place for finding evidence on the economic value of the creative industries led by Nesta with a consortium of UK universities including LSE, Birmingham, Edinburgh and the Work Foundation. It aims to support the UK’s creative industries through the production of independent and authoritative evidence and policy advice. Its first report focuses on the importance of […]
A quarter of FTSE 350 companies have only one woman on their board
…according to the 2018 report of the Hampton-Alexander review into increasing the number of women in senior positions in FTSE 350 companies. Progress has been made but still a lot remains to be done to achieve the target. Also released this week Inclusive Tech report which revealed women make up just 12.6% of board members and 16.6% of senior […]
Gender Gap report 2018
The latest annual report compiled from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) has just been released by the Office for National Statistics. It shows that the gap has dropped slightly but remains larger for workers over the age of 40. Also released in the last few days the DCMS select committee which criticises […]
Eurostat regional yearbook 2018 released
Get free access to sub-national level data on Europe’s regions. The 216 page publication includes chapters on regional policies and European Commission priorities, as well as statistics on population, health, education and training, labour market, economy, structural business statistics, research and innovation, digital economy and society, tourism, transport and agriculture. It also includes two special […]
Food security
Numbers starving worldwide rising Shocking news from the latest Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report released by the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization. It found those experiencing hunger had risen from around 804 million in 2016 to nearly 821 million in 2017. The report has graphs, data and facts about child malnutrition, food […]
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