Information Disorder – a report
The Council of Europe recently commissioned this report on the ‘pollution’ of information and the Internet.
Women’s roles in peace processes
A great site from the Council on Foreign Relations which has data on female participation from 1990 onwards. It also has full-text reports on the importance of women in these processes and various case studies from the Women and Foreign Policy program which analyse how elevating the status of women and girls advances U.S. foreign policy objectives.
European Convention Human Rights anniversary – 67 years!
The European Convention on human rights was signed 67 years ago,. See this happy birthday video and blog on its importance from the Rights Information blog. Read the full text of the Treaty on the Council of Europe website Read the Equality and Human Rights commission explanation. Discussion from the Conversation blog.
Equality in Higher Education report
Equality in higher education: statistical report 2017 from the Equality Challenge Unit The website of this organisation also has an excellent Athena Swan database of case studies on encouraging good practice in promoting gender and LGBT equality in higher education.
Equal Pay Day
Equal pay day 2017 is the 10th November. This is the date after which effectively pay becomes unequal with men earning more than women. See more about the campaign on the Fawcett society website The society has also published some interesting report on the gender pay gap by ethnicity. Test your knowledge on the Gender […]
Congressional Record from 1911-1921
… now available on GPO’s govinfo. Great news for students of American political history, as part of an on-going digitization programme issues of the Congressional Record which cover the First World War are now freely accessible on govinfo. Find a link to govinfo and other sources on our US Government Information page. The Congressional Record is the […]
JFK Assassination records
A large batch of JFK assassination classified documents has been released by the USA government to supplement The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records collection.
Hungarian revolution, 1956
Hungarian Uprising of 1956 was a nationwide revolt against the government of the Hungarian People’s Republic and its Soviet-imposed policies, lasting from 23 October until 10 November 1956. 1956 Hungarian Revolution Collection maintained by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Cold War International History Project is a fabulous site with many full text declassified […]
The Social Welfare History Image Portal
This great site provides free access to a wealth of images drawn from the collections of VCU Libraries, Union Presbyterian Seminary Library, Beth Ahabah Museum & Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries, Simmons College Library, University of Mary Washington Libraries, Baylor University Libraries and The Valentine. They are of great value for historians of American civil […]
United Nations Day
UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN Charter. Read the full text of this historic document online. Also recently released: The GA Handbook: A practical guide to the United Nations General Assembly (Second edition 2017) which explains the procedures and working of the General Assembly Here are […]
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