Millionaires and Inequality
Which countries have the most millionaires? Find out in the latest Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report which also has sections on household inequality and changes in income since the financial crash. For a focus on high worth individuals see the World Wealth Report from Capgemini. The Frank Knight wealth report has information on where rich […]
A useful website project created by the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (Lisbon, Portugal) and the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) which deals with the multi-dimensional nature of globalisation. Its aims as stated on the website include “to introduce students to the multi-dimensional and multi-level nature of globalisation. It presents data on a wide range […]
World Economic Forum Transformation Maps
First created in 2015 to map and visualize complex changes associated with globalisation, these resources are now freely available to the public. Over 120 issues are covered. Read this introduction which explains how they are created and updated. Topics include artificial intelligence, climate change and a range of economic and social issues.
Consumer behaviour in the UK (Black Friday/Christmas)
PWC retail outlook has predictions for the UK economy It also has the results of a recent survey on predicted shopping/ consumer behaviour for Black Friday in 2017. The average amount people expect to spend on Black Friday this year is £200.
The State of the State Report
The State of the State report from the think tank Reform, and Deloitte which analyses the state of and opinions about the UK public sector. It is based on interviews with public sector leaders, citizen research, a business survey and analysis of government data.
Passport Analysis for Marketing – Datagraphics
Passport have added Datagraphics and Context to their Market Reports and these could be very useful for student assignments and research. To find them, go to Passport’s home page and find Country reports: Datagraphics. Choose industry, product and country and press go. Results will display Datagraphics (which can be exported as images to PowerPoint). On tabs […]
Passport Analytics – for Economics and Finance
Passport has added analytics to its portfolio which allow you to do modelling in certain given situations. Notable tools include Economic Barometer (last 2 quarters of macroeconomic data for 80 countries and 32 indicators – heat-mapped) Macro Models (macroeconomic forecasts) and the Brexit Scenarios Tool. To find these and more access Passport and find the […]
Jewish Britain on Film
A fabulous free archival film collection launched on the BFI player combines documentaries of Jewish life and culture with early film depictions of Jewish characters. Some of these, such as the 1908 film The Robber and the Jew do display the anti-Semitism of the time. The Jewish Museum in London has a collections online where you […]
Australian poll on same–sex marriage
Official results from the Australian Bureau of statistics of the postal survey. Explanation of the process. And commentary from the Sydney Morning Herald news.
Russian interference in US elections?
View the recordings from Senate committee hearings into Russian interference in the 2016 elections via C-Span video library.
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