Who are the top LGBT friendly employers in the UK?
University of Leicester has moved up to 44th position. Find out the others from the annual Stonewall 100 list. There are categories for type of public and private sector employers, some case studies and details on the methodology used.
Classic Movie Posters Online
Great new digital collection from the Harry Ransom Center University of Texas at Austin. They are gradually placing online over 10,000 posters from the 1920s-1970s. The great collection can be browsed by date or searched by keyword. A remarkable resource for film historians. They are also of value for examining representations of race and gender […]
Place and the Brexit vote
Interesting report released by the University of Southampton and the New Local Government Network. It shows that votes to remain or leave were influenced by place and the economic development and connection to the global economy of that place, particularly regarding immigration and attitudes to the past. Analysis of survey data confirms that residents of […]
Holocaust Memorial day 2018: power of words
27th January marks the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. It is the date of the Holocaust Memorial Day which is time to remember those who died in the Second World War Holocaust and subsequent genocides. The Holocaust Memorial trust has details of this year’s theme the power of Words. Two well regarded […]
Sex discrimination and sexism
The Fawcett Society Sex Discrimination review found significant failings in the current laws. Amongst other findings it called for strengthening the laws on sexual harassment at work to protect women from harassment by third parties, making ‘up-skirting’ an offence and making misogyny a hate crime. The Chartered Management Institute launched a report called Broken Windows […]
Democracy is in Crisis
According to the latest annual report from Freedom House on the state of civil and political liberties worldwide the situation is worsening. They recorded 71 nations where conditions declined. Find out the best and worst countries from their coloured coded maps and rankings. These also cross-compare data for 12 years. Methodology is provided on the […]
Migration Data Portal
The Portal was launched in December 2017 by IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), with the support of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). It provides an informative and well-designed visualization of statistical data about global migration trends from 1990 onwards. The website also has a tools section which contains a comprehensive searchable database of […]
Westland 100
Westland100.org.uk is a good resource for social and economic historians. In addition to the history of the factory, it features an extensive oral history archive of aircraft manufacturing in Yeovil from 1915 to 2015. Articles and online sound files are provided. Topics covered include: trade unions and women workers.
Field Guide to Fake News
Recently Dartmouth college analysed the extent of election news manipulation in the 2016 USA presidential election. They concluded that approximately 1 in 4 Americans visited a fake news website from October 7th to November 14th, 2016. Trump supporters visited the most fake news web-sites, which were overwhelmingly pro-Trump. As a result of this continuing concern […]
The World Wealth and Income Database
Launched in 2017 as a single point of access for statistics on global inequality data, this great site is managed by an international consortium of economists including Thomas Piketty. It emerged from the earlier World Top Incomes Database (WTID). Its website states its aims as providing Distributional National Accounts (DINA), that is, to provide annual estimates of […]
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