World Friendship Day – July 30th
World Friendship day- why it is bad to be lonely? 30th July was designated International day of friendship by the United Nations. The original resolution seeks to promote understanding and bridges between communities however friendship is also important to the mental health and wellbeing of individuals. Failure to address their needs impacts on the economic […]
Police and hate crime
Do the police investigate hate crime properly? Serious concerns have been raised this week by an HMIC inspection report. This found incorrectly flagged hate incidents and crimes and insufficient victim support and data collecting. Hate crime is defined as sex, gender, religion, transgender and disability-related incidents. The report has statistics on recorded levels of hate […]
Queer Zine Archive Project
Queer Zine Archive Project – QZAP Originally founded by Milo Miller and Chris Wilde in Milwaukee. Now several thousand of these self-created items covering sex, sexuality and gender are browsable online. Browse by date, subject or search by keyword. A great source for understanding LGBT+ lives in the words and experiences of the community themselves. […]
United Nations disability statistics
A new section of the UN main website now provides free access to data which it has collected since 1988. Sources are national level surveys, censuses and reports. They offer insight into the number of disabled persons and the prevalence of disability in different nations worldwide.There are some quite broad definitions of seeing, mobility and […]
How much do school holidays cost?
According to the latest annual survey from the UK based Family and Childcare Trust the average price of holiday childcare is £133 per week in Britain. This is a 4 per cent rise since 2017 and amounts to an estimated average price tag of £800 for six weeks of holiday childcare per child. Additionally the survey […]
Trends monitor
Trends Monitor is a research project being undertaken by Media Matters for Democracy to identify and document potential manipulation of political hashtags and conversations on Twitter in Pakistan through ‘human-bots’, especially in the wake of General Elections 2018. Look at the website to view its findings on whether manipulation occurred.
How much fake news is there?
A frightening new report from the Oxford Internet institute has a Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation. It found evidence of formally organised social media manipulation campaigns in 48 countries, an increase of 20 in the last year. One fifth of the manipulation recorded was via messaging apps.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is an everyday occurrence in the workplace according to the latest report issued this week by the Women and Equalities Commission. The Fawcett society is a major campaign group. Their recent Sex Discrimination Law Review called for third party harassment laws to give women better access to justice. The Equality and Human Rights Commission […]
Pride in London – why it still matters. This week we celebrated Pride in London. Why is it still necessary today? In 2017 NatCen analysed public opinion towards same sex relationships charting greater acceptance than in the past. In 1987, at the height of the AIDS crisis, those who agreed that same-sex relationships were “not […]
World Investment Report 2018 launched
The World Investment Report has been published annually since 1991 by UNCTAD. It provides specialist reports on trends in foreign direct investment worldwide. This year’s specialist theme is adopted industrial development strategies. For further FDI data see the UNCTAD statistics website which has some free access to indicators.
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