Internet enemies report 2012
Reporters without Borders has publishes the Internet Enemies 2012 Report This provides rankings and information on nations that censor internet access. Other useful sites on this topic: The Ifex international Freedom of Expression Exchange is a good starting point; it aims to rapidly disseminate news and information about freedom of expression violations around the […]
Digital Archive of Japan’s 2011 Disasters
The Digital Archive of Japan’s 2011 Disasters is a project by Harvard University to collect, preserve and make available the digital records of the Japan’s disasters to assist scholarly research.
Oral History of the Runnymede Trust 1968-1988
Runnymede is the UK’s leading independent race equality think tank. The Oral History of Runnymede website tracks the history of race relations in Britain including an archive of research and audio interviews. Follow @RunnymedeTrust on Twitter at
UKREN: UK Race and Europe Network
The UK Race and Europe Network is a national network of UK non-governmental organisations interested in combating racism in Europe. UKREN works to keep UK NGOs interested in race equality informed of the latest European developments in policy and current affairs in the fields of racism and discrimination. UKREN acts as the official UK coordination of […]
Center for Women and Politics, Rutgers University Great starting point for finding academic information on Gender and the presidential elections. The 2012 project is aiming to increase female political participation. It includes: 2012 Women’s Election Tracker which is following the progress of women through this election cycle – it has state by state statistics for women in Congress and state […]
Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2011-12
The latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings are now available for the 2011-12 academic year. Universities are ranked by 13 performance indicators, including Teaching, Research, Citations, Industry Income and International Outlook. California Institute of Technology is World No. 1, University of Oxford is European No. 1 (World No. 4), and University of Leicester is […]
EURYPEDIA – European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems
EURYPEDIA is an online encyclopedia with 5000+ articles summarising national education systems and lastest reforms across 38 European countries. You can search or browse the database by country and topic, and subscribe to an RSS news feed.
Graduates in the Labour Market 2012 The official data from the ONS show high rates of unemployment and unskilled work amongst recent graduates. Other sources of analysis on graduate employment trends: include Prospects. The labour market section of their website includes Graduate Market Trends which has updates on overall patterns and those by region. It also produces the report […]
Cross-national income database
Luxembourg Income Database (LIS) This data service includes household and person-level micro data on income, demography, employment, and expenditures from countries all over the world, many from 1968 onwards. Browse by country. Free registration required for access. The site also includes working papers. These cover topics relating to income employment, poverty many based on […]
UNESCO World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education
With over 120 maps, charts and tables, the UNESCO World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education enables readers to visualize the educational pathways of girls and boys in terms of access, participation and progression from pre-primary to tertiary education. The Atlas features a wide range of sex-disaggregated data and gender indicators from the UNESCO Institute […]
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