Well-being of the aged
The Global Agewatch Index From HelpAge International ranks nations worldwide on their environment for older persons. Factors considered include: income, health, employment and education, and enabling environment. The website enables the full report to be downloaded or cross national comparisons made. A full methodology is provided. Another useful source on this topic is the Active Ageing […]
UK Child Poverty
Save the children Fund report on UK Child Poverty The new report A Fair start for every child: Why we must act now to tackle child poverty in the UK forecasts shocking rates of poverty amongst families by 2020. It looks at the main causes of this and considers the impact on children’s lives. Other good […]
Political Data Yearbook
Political Data Yearbook Published by Wiley on behalf of the European Consortium for Political Research. This online interactive version offers free access to annual summaries and analysis of elections, cabinet changes and other political events contained in the Political Data Yearbook country chapters. Most statistics covers 1992-2012 with annual updates. Topics covered include: voter turnout, percentage […]
Attitudes towards Europe
Measuring Party Positions on Europe: The Chapel Hill Expert Surveys These provide free access to quantitative data on national political party positions towards European integration. The first survey was conducted in 1999, with subsequent waves in 2002, 2006, 2010. The number of countries covered has increased from 14 Western European countries in 1999 to 24 […]
Small Arms Data Observatory (SADO) launched A new website launched by an international consortium of researchers which will focus upon quantitative data . Many researchers are based at Joan B. Kroc School for Peace Studies at the University of San Diego and there will be a focus initially on North America, Central America and South America. […]
Electoral Integrity
Electoral Integrity Project An independent international project headed by University of Sydney and the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Its annual report The Year in Elections 2013, assessing the risks of flawed and failed elections worldwide. It provides a ranking of the integrity of elections that took place in the last 12 months. […]
Those interested in elections might like the:Manifesto Research Group/Comparative Manifestos Project (MRG/CMP) Database a quantitative database maintained by Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung which measures attitudes expressed by parties in elections since 1945 in over 50 countries. These are coded from policy documents and manifestos. You can browse by nation or by party. For some countries data is […]
European Elections
L’histoire des élections européennes (1952-2014) If you are interested in the history of the European Parliament, CVCE has compiled a selection of resources (explanatory texts, photos and graphics) and oral accounts (mainly French language) on the European Parliament from its establishment in 1952 to the present day. There is a particularly good section on the move towards […]
Radio Times Archive
Radio Times Archive Free access to all pre war editions from 1936-1938. These are fascinating for social historians as they include all the original TV listings. The site also has a history of the publication. From the week commencing Nov 13th 1936 some highlights of coverage are: Inn Signs Through The Ages; London Characters – GYPSY PETULENGRO Interviewed by […]
Embedded! Archaeologists and Anthropologists in Modern Landscapes of Conflict Interesting webcasts from a conference held as part of the Engaged Scholarship Workshops organized by Brown University’s Middle East Studies. The presentations consider how social scientists working in conflict war zones have interacted with the military. It covers the use of military technology, social relations, ethics and research […]
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