Spanish Elections on Sunday
A look forward at the possible outcome of Spain’s elections on Sunday.
Who are the most powerful disabled people in the UK? Find out by consulting the new top 100 power list just compiled by the Shaw Trust. It has categories for the arts, business and media. Each entry has a brief biography
Domestic abuse
The national domestic abuse charity Women’s Aid has launched a free coercive control toolkit supported by Avon, to coincide with the Home Office’s implementation of the coercive control law. Download this tool kit which explains to parents and children the signs of coercive control and how to report it. Find more about the law.
Employability and UK students
The Higher Education Academy annual engagement survey asks students how they have developed. How much effort they put into study, how much support they received and what skills they developed. This includes such factors as becoming an independent learner. It is based on 24 institutions and over 24,000 students. It found employability skills relatively low […] Created by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. This new website seeks to improve transparency of Twitter, Google and Facebook in take-down policies and to understand their nature and impact. It encourage users to report instances and collects news stories. It maintains a bibliography of online readings. Also on this topic a recent report on public […]
Digital Asia Hub – Launched
A new independent, non-profit Internet and society research think tank based in Hong Kong. It is supported by The Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University and seeks to discuss digital society in Asian context. The site has just launched with a useful collection of essays grouped into five broad chapters: “Connecting the […]
Africa in Fact
Good Governance Africa is an organisation based in Africa which aims to improve government performance on the continent. Its website offers free access to its Africa in Fact publication for the last few years which contains articles discussing governance and government management in Africa. Other useful resources on standards of African governance include: Ibrahim Index of African […]
Is your bank under stress?
Read the latest report from the Bank of England for 2015 – the tests ‘assess the resilience of UK banks and building societies to a deterioration in global economic conditions.’ The website provides details of the methods used. The European Banking Authority has details of Europe wide tests and differences in their methodology.
World AIDS day 2015
World AIDs Day is December 1st. The 2015 campaign urges people to rethink HIV stereotypes. This is necessary as the People Living with HIV Stigma Index 2015 survey (the global study of the impact of stigma), revealed that one in five felt pressure from employers or co-workers to disclose their status. Since the project began in […]
Examining UK government performance
Just released from the Institute for Government the Annual Whitehall Monitor 2015. This provides statistics and visual data on government department size, staffing impact and transparency. There are 163 data tables. Last month the Alliance for Useful Evidence released a new framework tool to measure government departments on how transparent their use of evidence is […]
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