Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on February 3, 2016
Professor of Organisation and Culture at the School, Martin Parker, has just published a new book which provocatively blurs the lines between economic facts and literary fictions Why is a novel like an organization? It’s an improbable question, but in a new book, Valerie Hamilton and I show that the origins of the corporation and […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Bank of England, Commerce, Corporation, Credit, Daniel Defoe, Economics, Fiction, Imagination, Literature, Management, Organisation, Organisation Studies, Robinson Crusoe, Speculation |
Posted by Angus Cameron in School of Business Blog on May 12, 2015
Deputy Head of School, Angus Cameron, reflects upon one of the stranger tasks he has been asked to perform: being a central character in a murder mystery novel. Working as an academic often involves slipping between identities. The person at the front of the lecture theatre is not quite the same person that inhabits the […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Academia, Academic Freedom, Academic Journals, Aesthetics, Alternative Organisation, Art, Artistic Production, Corporate Governance, Fiction, Georges Bataille, Headless, Identity, off-shore finance, Organisation Studies, Performance Management, Performativity, Policy Making, Realism, Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion |
Posted by Gibson Burrell in School of Business Blog on May 6, 2015
Former Head of School, Professor Gibson Burrell, uncovers a series of uncomfortable parallels between managerialism and the militaRy At first sight, it appears as if the discipline of ‘business and management’ has no room for a debate on ‘the organization of destruction’ and the use of well-considered techniques of administration in acts of unspeakable violence […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Call for Papers, CIA, Consumption, Ethics, Management, Max Weber, Military, Military Force, Operations rersearch, Organisation, Organisation Studies, Rationality, Strategy, Taylorism, Violence, War, Zygmunt Bauman
Posted by Sarah Robinson in School of Business Blog on December 23, 2014
Senior Lecturers in Organisation Studies, Sarah Robinson and Elke Weik, get us in the seasonal spirit: Cheers! We are both wine lovers and organisational researchers, curious about the factors underpinning the growing success of English wine. How, we are interested in finding out, in the short space of 40 years, has this industry developed from […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Agriculture, Climate Change, Consumer Culture, Consumption, england, englishness, Entrepreneurs, Festive, Hospitality, Leisure Industry, Organisation Studies, Organisational Learning, Qualitative Research, Weather, Wine
Posted by Jo B in School of Business Blog on December 10, 2014
Deputy Head of School Professor Jo Brewis briefly outlines details of the thematic streams awaiting delegates of next summer’s 9th Critical Management Studies (CMS) Conference Martin Parker has already explained why Leicester’s management academics have regularly had the cheek to criticize the pervasiveness of managerialism. Managerialism, he argued, should not be seen as the natural […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged 4th Wave Feminism, 9th CMS Conference, Accounting, Alternative Organisation, Alternatives, Artistic Production, Borders, Branding, Catastrophe, Civil Society, Cooperatives, Critical Friendship, Critical Management Studies, Cultural Animation, Cultural Governance, Culture, David Erdal, Eastern Europe, Ecological Accounting, Economic Education, Elites, Employment Relations, Entrepreneurs, Environmental Accounting, Environmentalism, Feminism, Finance, Financialization, Health Management, Heterodox, Industrial Relations, International Development, Jo Brewis, Management Education, Managerialism, Managers, Marketing, Martin Parker, Migration, Mobility, Neoliberalism, Not for Profit, Oliver James, Organisation Studies, Place Branding, Place Marketing, Political Economy, Principles of Responsible Management Education, Professions, Regional Governance, Social Studies of Finance (SSF), Stakeholder Theory, Stakeholders, The Arts, Unemployment, Vandana Shiva, VIDA, Voluntary Sector
Posted by Doris Ruth Eikhof in School of Business Blog on September 4, 2014
Doris Ruth Eikhof, Senior Lecturer in Work and Employment at the School, shares some earlier* thoughts on the Research Excellence Framework (REF) In the past two years UK universities have frantically prepared their submissions to the sector-wide assessment of their research prowess and output, the Research Excellence Framework, or REF. They have evaluated research outputs, written […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Action Research, Bureaucracy, Business School, Critical Management Studies, Impact, Ivory Tower, Knowledge, Leo Tolstoj, Management, Management Education, Max Weber, Organisation Studies, Policy Making, Practitioner Research, Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Public Sector, REF, Research Excellence Framework, Research Outputs, Science as a Vocation, Social Science, Steve Jobs, University Management, University Politics
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