Posted by Stephen Dunne in School of Business Blog on April 15, 2015
Stephen Dunne (henceforth SD): Can I ask you to recount, when you set out on the book, what you were trying to do and in relation to what body of work? WD: The main question I had, following on from my PhD, concerned competition and competitiveness as forms of justification, or as sources of […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Biopolitics, Bob Jessop, Capitalism, Chicago School, Competition, Competitiveness, Critical Management Studies, Critique, Deirdre McCloskey, Donald Mckenzie, Economic Policy, Economics, Economy & Society, Efficiency, Entrepreneurialism, Entrepreneurs, ephemera: theory and politics in organisation, Eve Chiapello, Finance, Financialization, Friedrich Hayek, Governmentality, John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter, Karl Popper, Keynes, Keynesianism, Laurent Thevenot, Leadership, Legitimacy, Legitimation, Liberalism, London Riots, Luc Boltanski, Management, Management Gurus, Managerialism, Marxism, Max Weber, Michael Porter, Michel Callon, Michel Foucault, Milton Friedman, Money, Mont Pelerin Society, Neoliberalism, NHS, Paul Mason, Philip Mirowski, Pierre Bourdieu, Policy Making, Political Economy, Politics, Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Russell Brand, Scottish Independence, Scottish Referendum, Social Class, Social Studies of Finance (SSF), Sociology, Strategy, Tax, The New Spirit of Capitalism, Thomas Piketty, Violence |
Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on April 1, 2015
With all the media hype surrounding the forthcoming Critical Management Studies conference, Martin Parker reminds us of something which might otherwise have escaped our attention Some bones were found under a car park in Leicester recently. The City, County and University have all enthusiastically exploited this discovery for tourism and student recruitment purposes. The national […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Academic Freedom, Corporatism, Critical Management Studies, Economics, england, Inequality, Liberalism, Managerialism, Mass Communication, Mass Media, media, Media Appearances, Nationalism, Obedience, Occupy, Richard III
Posted by Jo B in School of Business Blog on December 10, 2014
Deputy Head of School Professor Jo Brewis briefly outlines details of the thematic streams awaiting delegates of next summer’s 9th Critical Management Studies (CMS) Conference Martin Parker has already explained why Leicester’s management academics have regularly had the cheek to criticize the pervasiveness of managerialism. Managerialism, he argued, should not be seen as the natural […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged 4th Wave Feminism, 9th CMS Conference, Accounting, Alternative Organisation, Alternatives, Artistic Production, Borders, Branding, Catastrophe, Civil Society, Cooperatives, Critical Friendship, Critical Management Studies, Cultural Animation, Cultural Governance, Culture, David Erdal, Eastern Europe, Ecological Accounting, Economic Education, Elites, Employment Relations, Entrepreneurs, Environmental Accounting, Environmentalism, Feminism, Finance, Financialization, Health Management, Heterodox, Industrial Relations, International Development, Jo Brewis, Management Education, Managerialism, Managers, Marketing, Martin Parker, Migration, Mobility, Neoliberalism, Not for Profit, Oliver James, Organisation Studies, Place Branding, Place Marketing, Political Economy, Principles of Responsible Management Education, Professions, Regional Governance, Social Studies of Finance (SSF), Stakeholder Theory, Stakeholders, The Arts, Unemployment, Vandana Shiva, VIDA, Voluntary Sector
Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on June 25, 2014
This time next year, the School will be preparing to welcome over 500 delegates to the 9th International Conference in Critical Management Studies. Professor Martin Parker explains what the conference will be about and why it will be so important. How can a School of Management have the cheek to be ‘critical’ of management? Schools […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged 9th CMS Conference, Alternative Organisation, Alternatives, Anarchism, Austerity, Communism, Critical Management Studies, Ecology, Feminism, Ideology, IMF, Management, Managerialism, Taylorism, World Bank
Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on April 9, 2014
Voltaire once wrote “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”. Professor of Organisation and Culture Martin Parker recently found out precisely what he meant. I had fundamental differences of opinion with the managers of the place I used to work. After having left “University Ltd.”, I decided to outline […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Academic Freedom, Censorship, Critical Management Studies, Gagging Clause, Higher Education, Informa, Libel, Litigation, Management, Managerialism, Routledge, Social Science, Taylor and Francis, University Management, University Politics
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