Posted by Jo B in School of Business Blog on December 10, 2014
Deputy Head of School Professor Jo Brewis briefly outlines details of the thematic streams awaiting delegates of next summer’s 9th Critical Management Studies (CMS) Conference Martin Parker has already explained why Leicester’s management academics have regularly had the cheek to criticize the pervasiveness of managerialism. Managerialism, he argued, should not be seen as the natural […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged 4th Wave Feminism, 9th CMS Conference, Accounting, Alternative Organisation, Alternatives, Artistic Production, Borders, Branding, Catastrophe, Civil Society, Cooperatives, Critical Friendship, Critical Management Studies, Cultural Animation, Cultural Governance, Culture, David Erdal, Eastern Europe, Ecological Accounting, Economic Education, Elites, Employment Relations, Entrepreneurs, Environmental Accounting, Environmentalism, Feminism, Finance, Financialization, Health Management, Heterodox, Industrial Relations, International Development, Jo Brewis, Management Education, Managerialism, Managers, Marketing, Martin Parker, Migration, Mobility, Neoliberalism, Not for Profit, Oliver James, Organisation Studies, Place Branding, Place Marketing, Political Economy, Principles of Responsible Management Education, Professions, Regional Governance, Social Studies of Finance (SSF), Stakeholder Theory, Stakeholders, The Arts, Unemployment, Vandana Shiva, VIDA, Voluntary Sector
Posted by in School of Business Blog on February 19, 2014
Neil Lancastle, one of the School’s current PhD students, brings his experience of curricular reform in economics to bear upon the promises (and problems) of being “critical” in a School of Management. Early in my PhD studies I was fortunate enough to read the sort of economic work which can now rightly claim to have […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Business Ethics, Code of Ethics, Critical Management Studies, Critique, CSEP, Economic Crisis, Economic Education, Economics, Economics Pedagogy, Ethics, Financial Crisis, German Pluralist Economics Network, Heterodox, Heterodox Economics, Higher Education, Management Education, Management Pedagogy, Managment Ethics, Martin Parker, Noam Chomsky, PEPS-Economie, Post-Crash Economics Society, REF, Responsibility of Intellectuals, Rethinking Economics, SOAS, Social Science, Stephen Dunne, Valerie Fournier
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