MCMCglmm in Stata (Part 2)
Last time, I showed how we can write R code for fitting a Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Model and insert it into a Stata do file, so that the computation is performed by the R program, MCMCglmm, while the results are available in Stata. The drawback of that approach is that it requires the user […]
MCMCglmm in Stata (Part I)
I always advise students not to tie themselves to one piece of statistical software, even when it is as good as Stata. It is inevitable that whichever statistical package they choose, there will be tasks that are easier in another program or analyses that their favourite does not offer. The problem with this advice is that it takes […]
Stata vs R
No Bayesian analysis this week, instead I want to talk more generally about statistical computing. I think that this discussion follows on naturally from my recent postings about linking Stata and R. As you might imagine I am quite a fan of Stata, but not one who is blinded to its limitations and for a […]
Using R with Stata: Part IV
This is the last in a series of posting about using conducting advanced statistical analyses in Stata by sending a job to R and then reading the results back into Stata. I have spent a while on this topic and although I believe it to be very important, next time I want to return to […]
Using R with Stata: Part III
This is another in a series of posting about using conducting advanced statistical analyses in Stata by sending a job to R and then reading the results back into Stata. Our task for testing this process is to use the R package DPpackage to fit a Bayesian Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) model for smoothing a […]
Using R with Stata: Part I
In the posting before last I mentioned that there are many R packages that perform advanced statistical analyses for which there is no equivalent Stata command. In particular, I referred to the R package, DPpackage, that fits a range of Bayesian models with Dirichlet process priors. Then in my last posting I introduced a problem […]
Stata and Advanced Statistical Methods
My recent postings have been on Bayesian non-parametric analysis with Dirichlet processes and they have raised a couple of questions in my mind that I should now like to discuss. Is Stata a suitable vehicle for advanced statistical analysis? and if so, Who should do the programming? Dirichlet processes (DPs) provide very flexible Bayesian priors with […]
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