network meta-analysis
Stan vs OpenBUGS (controlled from Stata)
Posted by John in Bayesian Analysis with Stata on July 3, 2015
A rather long posting this week for which I apologise. I would have split this posting over two weeks but I am about to go on my summer holiday and I wanted to avoid a long gap between the two halves. I have spent the last few weeks discussing how Stan can be called from Stata and now the […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged autocorrelation, network meta-analysis, OpenBUGS, Stan | Leave a response
Network Meta-analysis with WinBUGS and Stata
Posted by John in Bayesian Analysis with Stata on July 25, 2014
In my previous posting ( I introduced an example of Network Meta-analysis taken from a NICE report that estimated the incidence of diabetes amongst people being treated for high blood pressure by one of six classes of drug. In that posting I analysed the data using Stata’s glm command and now I should like to […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged DIC, network meta-analysis, stata, winbugs | 3 Responses
Network Meta-analysis in Stata
Posted by John in Bayesian Analysis with Stata on July 18, 2014
Regrettably clinical trials are often conducted that are too small to provide definitive evidence of the benefit of one treatment over another. In order to compensate for this, there has been a lot of work over the last twenty years on meta-analysing, or combining, the results from different trials. There is an example of a […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged bayesian, network meta-analysis, stata | 6 Responses
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