Library Special Collections


Supporting teaching in Special Collections

The 5th Northern General Hospital during WW1 (University of Leicester Archives)

Supporting academic colleagues with teaching is an important part of our work in Special Collections. Semester 1 has been a busy time for us, with visits from students on eight different courses at the University of Leicester and one from our friends at De Montfort. In an age where so much primary source material is […]

‘A photographic revolutionary’

‘A Corner of the Farmyard’, P. H. (Peter Henry) Emerson, 'Marsh Leaves', (London, 1895), pl. XIII, SCM 08575.  University of Leicester Special Collections.

‘Next to printing, photography is the greatest weapon given to mankind for his intellectual advancement,’1 Peter Henry Emerson wrote in Naturalistic Photography for Students of the Art, first published in 1889. This book, described at the time as ‘a bombshell dropped in the midst of a tea party’2, passionately argued that photography should be ‘naturalistic’, […]

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